Monday, March 20, 2017


Antoine : Antoine
Arizona : Arizona
Exupéry : Exupéry
Léon : Léon
Mỹ : America
Nga : Russia
Noel : Christmas
Pháp : France
Sahara : Sahara
Saint : Saint
Sao Hoả : Mars
Sao Kim : Venus
Sao Thuỷ : Mercury
Thái Bình Dương : Pacific Ocean
Thổ : Turkey
Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ : Turkey
Trung Quốc : China
Trái Đất : the Earth
Tây Bá Lợi : Siberia
Tây Lan : Zealand
Werth : Werth
a : ah
ai : who, whom, someone, somebody, anyone, anybody
ai cũng : everyone
an : safe, secure
an ủi : to comfort, to console
anh : I, you
anh em : brothers, siblings
anh ta : he, him
ba : three
ba lê : ballet
ban : time
ban ngày : in the day-time; hyday; during the day
ban đêm : by night; in the night time
ban đầu : at first; initial
bao : how
bao giờ : when, ever
bao giờ cũng : always
bao lâu : how long
bao lâu nay : for a long time
bao nhiêu : how much; how many
bao xa : how far
baobab : baobab
baobap : baobab
bay : to fly
bi : tragic
bi kịch : tragedy
biến : to vanish, to vanish without leaving a trace
biến mất : to vanish; to disappear
biến thành : to change into...; to turn into...; to metamorphose into...; to become
biếng : disinclined, losing interest in
biết : know, realize, understand
biết bao : how much, how many, how
biết rõ : to have something at one's fingertips; to know somebody/something inside out
biết điều : reasonable, judicious, sensible
biết đâu : no one knows
biếu : to present
biển : sea
biệt : to part with, to leave
buôn : to sell, to trade
buông : to let down, to drop
buốt : feeling a sharp pain
buồn : sad
buồn bã : sad, melancholy
buồn cười : laughable; funny; ridiculous
buồn tủi : sorrowful, dejected sad
buồng : bunch, room, chamber
buổi : spell, length of time, time, period, moment
buổi lễ : ceremony
buổi sáng : in the morning
buổi thuyết trình : lecture
buổi trưa : noon, midday
buổi tối : evening
buộc : to bind, to tie, to force, to compel
buộc tội : to accuse, to charge
buột : to slip off, to slip out
buột miệng : to make a slip of the tongue
bài : card, playing card, card game, lesson, exercise, paper, task, theme
bài học : lesson
bài toán : problem
bài tính : calculation
bàn : table, desk
bàn giấy : writing table, desk
bào : to plane, to shave, to smooth with a plane
bào chữa : to defend, to plead for, to act as counsel for
bày : to display, to show
bá : uncle, aunt
bác : paternal uncle
bác học : scholarly, learned
bách : hundred
bán : to sell
bánh : cake; pie; pastry
bánh mì : bread
báo : to announce; to notify; to inform; to warn
báo trước : to foretell; to prediet; to forewarn
báu : precious, valuable
bâng : lift (something) with one's hands
bâng quơ : vague; aimless; impersonal; pointless
bây : shameless; barefaced; brazen (faced)
bây giờ : now, right now
bã : waste, residue, refuse
bè : raft
bèn : then
bé : small, little, tiny
bé bỏng : little and tender, young, small
bé nhỏ : little, small
bé tí : very small; tiny; minute
bê : to carry
bên : side, edge
bên kia : across; beyond; on the other side of
bên phải : right side
bên trái : left side
bên trên : over; above
bình : level, plain, smooth
bình phong : screen
bình thường : ordinary, usual, normal, indifferent
bình tĩnh : calm; composed; unruffled; self-possessed; self-controlled
bí : close, stuffy
bí hiểm : unscrutable; unfathomable; mysterious; enigmatic
bí mật : secret
bí ẩn : enigmatic, mysterious, secret
bông : bloom, flower
bông hồng : rose
bùng : to flare up, to break out
búa : hammer
búp : bud; shoot
búp bê : doll
bút : pen
bút chì : pencil
bơ : butter, cold
bơ vơ : lonely; desolate; outcast; uncared-for
bươm bướm : butterfly
bước : step, pace, to step, to walk
bước chân : tread; footstep
bước sải : stride
bước tiếp : step forward
bước đi : step; stage; stride
bướm : butterfly
bại : to fail
bạn : friend, fellow, comrade, you
bạn bè : friends; company
bạn hữu : friends
bạn thân : intimate/close friend; bosom-friend; alter ego; buddy
bạo : daring, brave, bold
bản : copy
bản sao : copy, duplicate
bản thân : self, oneself
bản thảo : manuscript, draft
bảo : to tell, to say
bảy : seven
bất : game of 36 cards
bất cứ : any
bất ngờ : sudden, unexpected, unforeseen
bấy : tender, immature, green, so much
bấy giờ : then, that time
bấy nhiêu : so much, that much
bầu : gourd; bottle; flask
bầu trời : vault of heaven, firmament
bậc : grade, class, degree, level, rank, category
bận : over head and ears in, busy, engaged
bận rộn : bustling, busy
bật : to spring, to burst
bật cười : start laughing, burst out laughing
bật lên : to burst into
bắc : north
bắt : to seize, to catch
bắt buộc : to compel; to force; to oblige
bắt đầu : to start, to begin
bằng : by; by means of, even
bằng chứng : evidence, proof, exhibit
bằng lòng : satisfied, content, agreeable
bằng đá : stony
bặt : completely silent, giving no sign of life
bẻ : to break
bẻ ghi : to handle a switch, to switch
bế : to hold (in one's arms); carry in one's arms
bể : sea; ocean; cistern, tank; basin
bệ : platform, pedestal, dais
bệ hạ : Sire; Your Majesty
bệch : chalky, sickly white
bị : be (used to form the passive voice)
bị cảm : to catch cold; to catch a chill
bọ : dad, papa, insect
bọ hung : dor-beetle, beetle
bọn : group
bọn họ : they, them
bọn ta : we
bỏ : put away, leave, abandon
bỏ dở : leave unfinished
bỏ lại : to leave
bỏ mặc : to abandon
bỏ qua : to ignore; to overlook
bỏ rơi : to leave far behind
bỏ đi : to leave; to go away; to walk out
bỏng : burned; scalded
bốc : to pick up in one's hands, to scoop up with one's hands
bốc phét : to boast, to brag, to talk tall
bốn : four
bồ : sweetheart, lover
bồ câu : pigeon, dove
bỗng : unexpectedly, all of a sudden
bỗng dưng : by chance, by accident
bỗng nhiên : unexpectedly, all of a sudden
bộ : set (of something), office; ministry; department
bời : be disordered, careless
bởi : by; because of
bởi vì : as; since; for; because
bợm : swindler
bợm nhậu : heavy drinker, alcoholic
bụi : dust
bụi cây : bush, shrub, bushes
bụng : belly, bush
bức : refers to anything flat, thin, and rectangular
bức tranh : picture; painting
bức tường : wall
bức vẽ : picture
bừa : to rake, (at) random
bừng : to flare brightly, to turn suddenly red hot, to burst out ebulliently
bự : big, large
bực : to fret; fretty, fretful
bực tức : fretty and angry
ca : shift
ca ngợi : to sing the praise of, to extol
ca rô : square; check
cai : to come off; to give up
cai trị : to rule; to administer; to govern
can : to lengthen, to broaden
can đảm : bravery; courage; valour
cao : high, tall, steep, towering
chai : bottle
chao : Oh
che : to hide, to put a cover on
che chở : to protect; to defend; to cover up for somebody
chi : any; whatever
chim : bird
chim bồ câu : pigeon
chiếc : indicates inanimate noun
chiếm : to appropriate, to occupy; to seize; to take possession of, to hold
chiếm hữu : to hold, to own
chiến : war
chiến tranh : war; warfare; hostilities
chiều : afternoon, evening, to humour; to pamper; to spoil; to please; to indulge
chiều tối : nightfall, dusk, twilight
cho : for, give, to consider, to think, to put down, believe, maintain
cho là : assume, presume, suppose, reckon
cho nên : therefore, hence
cho đến : even, as far as, until; till; up to
cho đến khi : until
choang : strike, hit, punch
chong : To keep (light, torch) burning on for a long time
chong chóng : pin wheel; propeller
choàng : to embrace, to clasp
choán : to occupy; take up (space/room)
chui : to sneak in, to glide headlong, to creep
chung : common, public
chung quanh : surrounding area, neighbourhood
chung thuỷ : constant; loyal; faithful
chuyên : to pass by hand
chuyên chế : absolute; autocratic; despotic; tyrannical
chuyến : trip; journey; voyage, time
chuyến tàu : train
chuyển : to move, to transfer, to shift, to switch over, to change
chuyển động : to move
chuyện : thing, talk, story
chuyện trò : to chat, to talk, to have conversations
chuông : bell
chuẩn : standard; criterion
chuẩn bị : to prepare, to make ready
chuồn : to move stealthily
chuột : rat, mouse
chà : to scrape, well!
chàng : he, him
chào : to greet, to salute
chán : to be satiated with, to be tired of, dull
chát : clang; thump
cháy : to burn, to blaze
châm : to light, to kindle
chân : foot, leg
chân chính : true; real, genuine, authentic
chân dung : portrait
chân lý : truth
chân tường : foot of the wall
châu : continent
châu Phi : Africa
châu lục : continent
châu Âu : Europe
chép : to copy
chì : lead
chìa : key, key-like thing
chìa ra : project, protrude
chín : nine
chính : main, chief, principal, prime, primary, just; right; very; own; oneself
chính là : just
chính trị : politics
chính xác : precise; exact; accurate
chính đáng : justified, legitimate, justifiable
chóng : fast, rapid, quick
chôn : to bury, to fix in the ground
chú : uncle,(form of address and appellation used with young men)
chú em : you
chú trọng : to attach special importance to
chú tâm : to give one's whole mind to
chú ý : to pay attention to
chúc : to wish
chúng : we, us, they, them, you
chúng em : we
chúng nó : they; them
chúng ta : we, us (including person addressed)
chúng tôi : we, us
chút : minute
chút nào : at all
chăm : to diligently look after
chăm chú : attentively, carefully, closely
chăng : surely; isn't it, is it, doesn't it, does it..
chơi : to play
chơi bời : to indulge in pleasure
chơi khăm : to play a dirty/nasty trick on somebody
chưa : not yet, so far, as yet
chưa bao giờ : never
chưa hề : never
chạm : to touch
chạy : to run
chả : not at all
chảy : to flow, to run
chầm : with sudden haste
chầm chậm : rather slow; slowly
chần : to stitch
chần chờ : procrastinate
chậm : slow
chậm rãi : deliberate, leisurely
chắc : solid, firm, secure, steady, sure, surely
chắc chắn : reliable, reliably solid, to be cock-sure/sure; to make sure
chắc là : most likely, (most) probably
chắn : to block, to bar, to obstruct, to stop, to hold back
chắn gió : windproof
chằng : to fasten, to bind, to tie securely
chằng chịt : to interlace
chẳng : not at all
chẳng ai : nobody, none
chẳng bao giờ : never
chẳng có : not to have; to be destitute/empty/devoid of something
chẳng có lúc : sometimes
chẳng hạn : for example; for instance; let us say; e.g.; like
chẳng hạn như : for example
chẳng hề : never
chẳng mấy khi : hardly ever
chặt : secure, close, tight
chế : to mock at, to make fun of
chết : dead, to die
chết khát : very thirsty
chỉ : only, merely, to point
chỉ có : alone; only; none but...; nothing but...
chỉ dẫn : to direct, to instruct
chỉnh : to correct
chịt : to choke, to choke up, to block
chịu : to sustain, to bear, to accept
chịu nổi : to sustain, to bear
chịu đựng : to stand; to withstand; to bear; to sit down under something
chọn : to choose, to select, to pick out
chốc : moment, instant, while
chối : to deny
chống : to oppose, to resist
chồn : weasel; fox
chồng : pile, heap
chỗ : place, room, space
chỗ ngồi : seat
chớ : do not
chớp : flash, flare
chờ : to wait
chở : to transport, to carry, to ferry, to take, to transfer
chợt : suddenly, all of a sudden, unexpectedly
chứ : (particle used in question tags with emphatic affirmational implication)
chứ : (particle used in question tags with emphatic affirmational implication), certainly; would rather...than
chứng : disease; trouble
chứng cớ : evidence
chứng kiến : to see with one's own eyes; to witness
chứng minh : to prove, to demonstrate
chừng : rough measure, rough extent, rough estimate
chửng : at a draught, at one gulp
chữ : writing, script
chữ số : cipher, numeral, figure
chữa : to cure, to treat, to correct, to repair
coi : to look, watch (over), observe, read
coi bộ : to look; to seem; to appear
coi chừng : to mind, to pay attention to
con : (generic particle denoting a unit of animal or animal-like thing) a, an, the, child, offspring, young, son, daughter
con mắt : the eye
con người : man
con sông : river
con số : cipher, digit, numeral, figure
con tính : problem, sum; calculation
cravate : necktie
cung : palace; temple, to supply
cung cấp : to supply; to furnish; to provide; to accommodate somebody with something
cuả : của
cuối : bottom
cuối cùng : last; final, at last; ultimate
cuốn : of documents and stories, copy; volume, to roll, scroll; sweep; coil; wrap
cuống : get lost, lose one's head
cuống quít : lose one's head
cuồng : mad; crazy
cuộc : indicate a large-scale or multi-person event
cuộc hẹn : date; rendezvous; engagement; appointment
cuộc đời : life; existence
càng : the more...; the...-er the...-er
càng hay : so much the better
cá : fish
các : every, all
các anh : you
các bạn : friend, you
cách : way, manner, fashion, method, to be distant, to be away
cách mạng : revolution
cách xa : far away from
cách đây : ago
cái : indicates inanimate noun, piece, unit
cái gì : what
cái đó : that; it
cái ấy : that one
cánh : petal
cánh hoa : petal
cánh tay : arm
cánh đồng : field
cáo : fox
cát : sand
cáu : to be cross, to be furious
câm : silent
cân : scale, balance, weight
cân nặng : weigh
câu : clause, expression, phrase, proposition
câu chuyện : story, talke, talk
câu hỏi : question; demand
câu nói : saying; word
câu trả lời : answer
cây : indicates stick/rod-like objects, tree, plant
cây đèn : lamp
còn : yet, still, to have...left, still have, as for
còn lại : other; remaining
còn như : as for, as to
còn sống : alive
có : to own, to have, there is, there are
có lý : reasonable; logical
có lẽ : perhaps, maybe
có mặt : to be present at, to be attending
có một ngày : one day
có nghĩa : to mean; to make a difference to somebody; to matter to somebody
có phải : isn't?
có quyền : to have the authority/power to do something
có thật : real
có thế : like this; this much
có thể : can, may, to be possible, to be able to
có vẻ : seemingly
có ích : useful
có được : to enjoy; to obtain; to achieve; to get
cóc : never, not at all
cóc cần : never need, not to need
cô : aunt; auntie; Miss; young lady
cô gái : young lady; girl
cô nàng : lass; girl; gal; she; her
cô đơn : alone; solitary
cô độc : alone
công : work, public
công bằng : just; equitable; fair; impartial; even-handed
công phu : meticulous, painstaking
công việc : job; work
cõi : country, region
cõi lòng : heart
cùng : and; together with
cùng một lúc : at the same time
cúi : to bow; to stoop; to band
cúi xin : ask humbly (somebody about something)
cúi xuống : to bend down; to stoop
cúi đầu : to lower one's head; to hang one's head
cúm : influenza; grippe; flu
căn : house, root
căn phòng : room; apartment
cũ : old; ancient; second-hand
cũng : also, too
cũng như : like, as well as
cơ : heart
cơ mà : but
cơn : outburst; fit; attack; storm; bout
cư : to dwell; to live
cư trú : to live; to reside
cương : rein; bridge
cười : to laugh; to smile; to sneer
cạn : shallow, (to go) dry
cạnh : edge, side
cả : all, whole, at all
cả hai : either; both
cả quyết : resolute; determined; firm
cải : cabbage
cải hoa : cauliflower
cảm : to be moved, to be affected
cảm cúm : influenza
cảm giác : sensation, impression
cảm hóa : to convert
cảm thấy : to feel
cảm động : to be moved
cảnh : scenery
cấm : to forbid, to prohibit, to ban
cấp : rank, level, class, urgent, pressing
cấp bách : urgent, pressing
cất : to lift, to raise
cất lên : lift, elevate
cầm : to hold, to keep
cần : need
cần phải : must
cầu : ball
cẩn : to inlay
cẩn thận : careful; cautious; circumspect, wary
cậu : young man
cậu ta : he
cắn : to bite
cọc : stake, pale, picket, pile
cỏ : grass
cố : to try, to endeavour
cố gắng : to try; to endeavour; to make every effort
cố sức : endeavor, strive
cố thử : retry
cốt : bone
cốt yếu : essential, crucial, vital, capital, cardinal, dominant
cồ : well-nourished, wellfed; plump
cổ : neck, old; ancient; antique
cỗ : set; suite; piece; park
cộng : to add; to add up
cộng sai : false add
cộp : sound of sharp blow
cột : pillar; column, mast; pole column
cột đèn : lamp-post
cờ : flag, banner, standard
của : of; belong to; from
của báu : treasure
cứ : to continue; to keep on, just
cứ như : just like somebody/something
cứ điểm : entrenched fortification
cứu : to save; to rescue; to relieve
cứu vãn : to save
cừu : sheep
cử : to delegate; to depute; to raise; to begin
cử chỉ : gesture, manner, conduct, behaviour
cửa : door; entrance, opening
cửa kính : glass door; glass window
cửa sổ : window
cửu : nine
cực : pole
da : skin; derm
de : de
di : to move to leave behind; to crush with feet by rubbing
diệt : to destroy; to exterminate
diệu : effective
do : by; because of
do dự : to hesitate; to waver
do đó : consequently, hence
doanh : full; abundant
doanh nghiệp : concern; business; enterprise; firm; company
du : to push, push briskly, shove; to walk
du hành : to travel
dung : forgive; tolerate, be tolerant toward
dung thứ : to excuse; to pardon
duy : save that; except that
duy nhất : single; only; sole; unique
dà : brown tree
dài : long
dành : to save; to reserve; to engage
dành dụm : to save; to put aside
dành để :  reserve
dày : thick; deep; dense
dày cộp : too thick, very thick
dám : to dare; to be bold erought tọ
dán : to paste; to stick; to glue
dân : people; citizen
dân cư : inhabitants; population
dây : rope; cord; wire; string
dãy : chain; row; line
dãy núi : chain/range of mountains; mountain chain
dê : goat
dòng : current; stream
dòng nước : current of water
dóc : untrue, lie
dõi : to follow closely; to pursue
dù : though; however; whether
dù là : though; although
dùng : to employ; to use; to take
dưng : to offer; to proffer
dương : male; solar; positive
dưới : under; beneath; below
dường : to seem; to be just like
dường như : as it would seem
dượt : to drill; to practise; to train
dại : stupid; gatuous, wild, feral
dạy : to teach; to train; to educate
dạy đời : speak in a superior tone, speak with a superior air
dấp : to wet, moisten
dấu : mark; sign; print, fingerprint
dấu chân : footprint ; footmark
dần : to beat, gradually; little by little
dần dà : step by step, gradually
dần dần : gradually; little by little
dầu : oil, though; although; even if; however
dầu máy : machine oil
dẫn : to lead
dẫn đường : to guide
dẫn đến : bring to
dẫu : though; although; however
dẫu sao : however; anyway; anyhow; no matter what
dẫy : uproot
dậy : to rise; to get up; to wake up
dằn : to slap down; to lay down
dằn vặt : to nag at, to torment
dặm : mile; road
dẹp : to repress; to quell
dễ : easy; facile
dễ thương : lovable; amiable; agreeable; likeable; pleasant
dị : odd; strange
dị thường : extraordinary; strange
dịch : to translate; to turn
dịu : soft, sweet
dịu dàng : sweet; graceful
dịu hiền : gentle, sweet-tempered; tender-hearted
dọn : to clear; to arrange; to put in order
dọn dẹp : to tidy up; to put in order
dối : to lie; to deceive
dồn : to drive into
dỗi : sulk; get angry because hurt; sulky
dội : to pour (water); to bound; to resound; to kick
dở : unfinished; un completed
dụ : to entice; to lure
dục : to rear; to bring up
dụi : rub
dụm : assemble in a group, huddle up.
dụng : to use; to employ
dứt : to cease; to end; to come to a final stop
dứt khoát : efinitive; categorical; clear-cut; irrevocable
dừng : to stop; to halt
dừng lại : to halt; to come to a halt
dữ : bad; unlucky
dữ dội : drastic
dự : to assist; to take part; to attend
dự trữ : to reserve
dựa : to lean on; to stand against
dựa trên : to rely on...; to base oneself on...
dựng : to erect; to raise; to set up; to put up
dựng lên : erect, raise
em : younger brother; younger sister, small
franc : franc
gai : prickle, spine, thorn
gay : tough, hard; heated
ghi : to write, to record, switch
ghi chép : to write down, to take notes
ghi nhận : to record
ghi nhớ : to engrave; to impress deeply
ghép : to couple; to connect; to join
ghê : to have a horror; horribly; terribly
ghê gớm : formidable, terrible
ghế : chair; seat
ghế ngồi : stall (church stall), seat
gian : tricky; dishonest; disloyal
già : old; aged; senile
giàu : rich; wealthy
giàu có : rich, wealthy
giá : price; cost
giác : to cup, horn
giáp : near; bordering; adjacent
giây : second; moment
gió : wind; air
giúp : to help, to aid
giúp ích : to be of help/service to
giúp đỡ : to help, to aid
giả : to pretend; to feign
giải : to solve; to answer
giải thích : to explain, to clarify
giản : simple
giản dị : easy; simple; plain
giảng : to explain; to expound; to teach; to lecture
giảng giải : to explain, to make clear
giấc : sleep ; slumber
giấc mơ : dream
giấu : to hide; to conceal; to dissimulate
giấy : paper
giận : to be angry
giận dỗi : be in the sulks, be sulky
giẻ : rag; cloth; clout
giẻ rách : rag
giếng : well
giếng làng : communal well, village well
giọng : voice
giọng nói : voice
giọt : drop
giọt nước : drop of water
giống : to look like; to resemble, kind; race; breed; gender; sex
giống nhau : similar; identical; like; alike; same
giống như : like, identic
giống nòi : race
giới : set; circle; world
giờ : hour, time
giờ đây : now, at present
giữ : to keep; to guard; to retain; to hold; to maintain
giữ lại : to retain
giữ lời hứa : to keep one's words, to live up to one's word
giữa : in the middle, in the center, amidst, between, among
gà : cock; fowl; chicken
gàu : bucket
gác : to put something on something; to hang something on something
gái : girl
gây : to excite; to cause; to create
gây nên : to bring about...; to cause; to be responsible for...; to result in...; to lead to....
gã : man, guy, fellow
gãy : to break; to snap; to break off
gì : what, whatever
gì cả : anything
gì nữa : anymore
gói : pack; parcel; bundle
gôn : golf
gạch : brick
gầm : to roar
gần : near, close
gần bên : neighbouring, adjcent
gần kề : close at hand
gầu : dandruff, scurf, bucket
gật : to nod
gắng : to endeavour; to strive
gắng sức : to make every effort
gặp : to meet
gặp phải : meet with (difficulties, bad luck...)
gọi : to call; to hail
gọi là : known as...; called...
gọn : neat, tidy
gọt : to whittle; to sharpen
gốc : foot; origin
gối : pillow; cushion, knee
gớm : loathsome; disgusting; horrible
gợi : to arouse; to rouse; to evoke; to excite
gợn : wavy; ripple
gợn sóng : ripple, wavy
gửi : to send, to give, to lay on
hai : two
hai mắt : binocular
hang : den; cave; hole; burrow
hay : to have a habit of (doing something), or, exciting, well
hay biết : know
hay là : or
hay sao : isn't it?
hiền : meek; gentle; virtuous
hiền lành : good-natured
hiền lương : good, nice, decent
hiểm : dangerous; perilous
hiểm họa : danger; peril
hiểm nguy : peril; danger; hazard
hiển hiện : appear in clear vision, appear most visibly, appear vididly, be unmistaably clear
hiển nhiên : evident; self-evident; obvious; patent
hiểu : to understand, to know
hiểu ra : dawn on, to figure out
hiện : rise, appear, come into sight
hiện giờ : at present; now; at the present time
hiện nay : nowadays, today
hiện ra : to appear; to turn up; to manifest
hiệu : shop; store
ho : to cough
hoa : flower; bloom; blossom
hoa cương : granite
hoa hồng : rose
hoan hô : to cheer; to acclaim; to applaud; to give somebody an ovation
hoang : uncultivated; uninhabited; virgin
hoen : spotted, stained
hoen rỉ : stained and rusty
hoài : always; continually; endlessly
hoàn : to return; to give back; to restore
hoàn hảo : indefectible; impeccable; faultless; perfect; tiptop
hoàn toàn : complete; total; entire
hoàng : prince
hoàng hôn : sunset; evening twilight
hoàng tử : prince
hoá : hóa to become; to change; to transform
hoãn : to defer; to postpone; to delay; to put off
hoãn lại : postpone
hoạ : catastrophe, disaster
hoại : arbotive
hoạt : quick and fine
hoạt động : action; activity
hoả : fire
hoắt : very pointed
hoặc : or; either
hung : reddish
huyền : jet
huyền bí : occult; hidden; mysterious
huệ : lily
huỷ : to destroy; to demolish; to ruin
huỷ hoại : to deteriorate; to spoil
hy vọng : to hope; to expect and desire
hài : shoes, infant
hài lòng : satisfied
hàng : goods, row, each
hàng ngàn : thousands
hành : onion
hành khách : passenger
hành lang : gallery; corridor; lobby
hành tinh : planet
hành trình : itinerary
hào : ditch; moat; dike; trench
hái : to pluck; to gather, to pick
hát : to sing
hãi : to fear; to dread; to be afraid of
hãnh : firm
hãy : (used to begin a sentence in the imperative); still; yet
hãy còn : up to now; still
hé : open slightly
hé mở : to half-open
héo : faded; dead; withered
héo tàn : fade, wither; fall off/away
hình : shape, figure
hình dung : to figure; to imagine
hình như : to seem ; to appear
hình phạt : punishment; penalty
hình ảnh : image
hòn : ball; piece
hòn đảo : island
hô : to cry out
hôi : bad-smelling
hôm : day
hôm nay : today
hôm nào : one of those days; someday
hôm sau : the next day; the following day; the day after
hôm trước : the previous day; the day before
hôn : to kiss
hú : to howl
hú họa : at (by) haphazard, by mere chance, casually
húng : basil
húng hắng : have a slight and sporadic cough, have a dry cough
hút : to inhale; to suck
hăm : hai mươi twenty
hơi : somewhat
hơi giống : a bit like
hơn : more than
hơn nhiều : much more
hơn nữa : moreover, more
hương : flavouring
hương thơm : scent, perfume, fragrance
hươu : stag
hướng : way; direction
hướng dẫn : to lead; to guide; to conduct
hạ : to lower; to take down
hạ mình : to condescend; to demean oneself
hại : harmful; hurtful; damaging; deleterious
hạn : limit; term
hạnh : conduct; behaviour ; good nature
hạnh phúc : happy
hạt : corn; grain, seed
hả : (interrogative particle) Isn't it, aren't you
hảo : good; kind; beautiful
hấp : to inhale; to absorb
hấp dẫn : interesting; attractive; fascinating; appetizing; mouthwatering
hắn : he; him
hắn ta : that bloke, that fellow
hẳn : surely; certainly; completely; for good
hẹn : to appoint; to date; to promise
hết : to finish; to end; to expire; to come to an end, all; whole; entire
hết chỗ : full
hết sức : very; extremely
hề : clown; funny-man
hề gì : matter
hệ : network; system
hệ trọng : important; vital; capital
họ : they; them
học : to study; to learn; to read
học hỏi : to investigate; to inquire; to learn
họng : throat
hỏi : ask
hỏi lại : to ask again
hỏng : to fail; to miss; to break down; to fail at an examination
hỏng máy : have a breakdown
hồ : to glue; to starch
hồi : time; period
hồi ức : recollect, reminisce
hồng : pink; rosy
hổ : tiger
hộ : for
hội : to meet; to reunite; to assemble
hội hoạ : painting
hội nghị : conference; congress; meeting
hộp : box; can; tin
hời : cheap; inexpensive
hời hợt : shallow, superficial
hỡi : dear, oh
hợm : give oneself airs
hợm hĩnh : supercilious; arrogant; haughty
hợp : to suit; to fit; to accord
hợp lý : sensible; rational; logical; reasonable
hụt : to miss, short; deficent
hứa : to promise; to engage
hứng : inspiration
hừm : Hum
hử : eh
hữu : right
im : calm; silent; quiet
im bặt : stop crying abruptly
im lặng : silent, mute, mutely, tacitly, silently
khanh : our favourite subject
khanh khách : pealing (laughter)
khi : when; while
khi nào : when, never
khi thì : sometimes
khi ấy : at that moment; at that time; then
khinh : to scorn; to disdain; to despise
khinh thường : to despise; to feel contempt for
khiêm : unassuming
khiêm tốn : humble; modest; unobstrusive; unpretentious
khiêu : parthouse
khiêu vũ : to dance
khiếp : to fear; to dread; to be afraid
kho : store; warehouse; depository; depot
kho báu : treasure
khoa : science
khoa học : science
khoan : to bore; to drill; to perforate
khoan dung : tolerant; lenient
khoe : to flaunt, to show off
khoá : khóa lock
khoác : to put on
khoác lác : to boast; to blabber; to brag; to blow one's own trumpet; to talk big/large; to have a loose tongue
khoái : pleased; satisfied; joyful
khoát : width
khoả : dip and move
khoảng : about
khu : district; area; zone
khu vườn : garden
khuyên : to advise, to recommend, to admonish
khuây : to solace; to relieve; to alleviate
khuây khoả : solace, relieve
khá : rather; fairy; enough; passably
khác : alternative; another; other; different
khác hẳn : quite/altogether different
khác nhau : diverse; different; various
khác thường : especial; extraordinary
khách : guest; caller; vistor
khám : to search; to examine; to conduct a search
khám phá : to discover; to find out
khát : thirsty
khát nước : thirsty
kháu : pretty
khâm : to warm up; to make hot again
khâm phục : to admire
khép : to close; to shut
khép kín : closed, self-contained
khêu : to raise; to extract
khêu gợi : to rouse; to stir; to excite
khí : semon; sperm enough; a little; a bit
khó : hard; difficult; delicate
khó chịu : sick, unwell, unpleasantly
khó khăn : hard, difficult
khóc : to cry; to weep; to shed tears
khô : dry, dried
khô khốc : very dry
không : not
không bao giờ : never
không còn : no longer; no more
không hay : unlucky; untoward
không hề : far from, not at all
không hề gì : nothing
không may : unfortunately
không nên : should not; ought not; had better not
không phải : not that
không sao : never mind! It doesn't matter
không sợ : unafraid; fearless
không thể : impossible; unable
không được : impossible, cannot, must not
khăm : nasty
khăn : towel
khăn quàng : scraf, muffler
khảnh : dainty, finical
khấu : to deduct
khẩu : mouth
khắc : to carve; to engrave
khắp : all over
khẽ : gently; softly
khốc : very (dry)
khổ : unhappy; miserable
khổ sở : miserable, unhappy
khờ : unwise; credulous
khờ dại : naive and foolish, stupid
khủng : quite
khủng khiếp : terrible, horrible
kia : over; that
kim : metal, needle; hand
kim cương : diamond
kim khí : metal
kinh : prayer; prayer-book; the bible canal
kinh hãi : feel great fear
kinh khủng : frightful, horrible
kinh ngạc : amazed; stupefied; aghast
kiên : patient, of great endurance
kiên nhẫn : patient; constent
kiêu : arrogant; proud; haughty
kiêu hãnh : proud
kiêu kỳ : presumptuous; haughty; stuck-up; self-conceited; self-important; self-righteous
kiếm : to search for; to clook for; to find
kiếm việc : to look for work; to seek a job; to find employment
kiến : ant
kiểu : model; pattern; design
kiệm : thrifty
kiện : bale; parcel; package
kiệt : exhaust
kiệt tác : masterpiece
kém : less
kéo : to pull; to tug; to strain
kéo dài : to last; to persist
kêu : to call; to cry
kêu lên : exclaim
kìa : there, look!
kích : to ambush; to attack
kích thước : measure; size; dimension
kích động : excite, stir up
kín : secret; private
kính : to respect, glass
kính trọng : respect
kính viễn vọng : telescope
ký : to sign
kẻ : man; person; individual
kẻ nào : he who...; anyone who...; whoever..
kết : plait, tie in knots
kết bạn : to become friends with somebody; to make friends with somebody; to strike up a friendship with somebody
kết quả : result; effect
kết thúc : to end; to bring to an end; to finish; to wind up
kề : close to; near to
kềnh : to live flat
kềnh càng : bulky, cumbrous
kể : to tell; to relate
kể tới : mention
kịch : play; drama
kịp : in time
kỳ : flag; banner
kỳ diệu : marvellous, wonderful
kỳ lạ : strange, odd, queer, uncanny
kỳ quái : bizarre, extraordinary, monstrous
kỳ quặc : extremely odd; fantastic
kỷ : small table
kỷ luật : discipline
kỷ niệm : memory; souvenir; keep sake
kỹ : careful; painstaking
kỹ càng : careful; cautious
lan : to pread; to run
lang : roan; piebald
lang thang : to wander; to roam; to tramp
lao : to hurt; to plunge
lay : to shake
linh : efficacious
liên : inter-; pan-
liên hệ : relation; connection; link
liếc : to look sidelong at; to glance
liếc nhìn : to glance at...; to look askance at...; to squint at...
liền : continuous; successive, at once; immediately
liệt : to rank; to assort
lo : to bother; to worry; to attend to
lo lắng : anxious, be apprehensive
lo nghĩ : worry about something
lo toan : to make arrangement for; to contrive
loà : dim; dull; lustreless
loài : kind; gender ; specied
loài người : mankind
loáng : flash, (of time) fly by, pass swiftly
loé : flash
loại : sort; category; gemos, to eliminate; to weed out
loại thuốc : drug
lung : very hard
lung lay : shaky, wonky, wobbly
lung tung : confused, perplexed, in utter confusin, in utter disorder, higgdly-piggedly
luôn : often
luôn luôn : always, incessantly, as a rule
luật : law; rule; code; regulation
luật pháp : law
luồn : to pass through
luồn lách : thread one's way
là : to be, as, that
là vì : be because
làm : do (perform, execute), make
làm bạn : to make friends ; to marry
làm cho : to cause, to make
làm gì : what for, what to do, nothing
làm quen : to make the accquaintance of
làm quà : as a present
làm ra : to create; to produce
làm sao : how
làm sẵn : ready-made; prefabricated
làm việc : work
làng : village
lành : good; happy
lá : leaf
lác : squinting
lách : to dodge; to swerve; to worm
lái : to drive (a vehicle)
lái buôn : dealer; merchant
lái tàu : pilot, steer a ship
lánh : to avoid; to shun
lát : moment, instant, slice
lâu : long; long while ; a long time
lâu nay : long time
lãng quên : oblivion
lão : old
lê : to drag (one's feet)
lên : go up, come up, rise, to be or reach a certain age, onto
lên mặt : to give oneself airs, to put on air
lên đường : to start away; to start off
lênh đênh : to float; to drift
lò : kiln; furnace; oven
lò sưởi : fireplace, radiator
lòng : heart; soul; mind
lông : hair; feather, fur
lông thú : fur
lúa : rice; paddy
lúa mì : wheat
lúc : moment, time
lúc lâu : for some time
lúc nào : when, whenever
lúc nào cũng : always; unfailingly; at any time
lúc nãy : a moment ago; a little/short while ago
lúc đó : at that time; then
lúc ấy : at that moment; at that time; then
lúng : lower
lúng túng : perplexed; embarrassed
lý : reason; ground
lý do : cause; reason; argument
lý lẽ : reasoning; argument
lý sự : to use casuistry
lăm : five
lăn :  to roll; to wallow
lũ : gang; band; crowd
lơ : to dissemble; to ignore
lơ lửng : to hang
lơ đãng : vague; vacant; wandering
lưu : to detain; to keep
lương : salary; pay; wage
lười : lazy
lười biếng : lazy; idle; insolent
lường : measure
lưỡng : two, double, ambiguous, equivocal
lưỡng lự : to hesitate; to waver
lượng : quantity
lượt : time; turn
lạ : strange; foreign
lạc : to lose; to stray
lạc đường : lose one's way, go astray
lại : again, to come; to arrive
lạnh : cold
lạnh buốt : icy; chilling
lả : exhausted; weak
lấp : to occlude; to fill up; to stop
lấp lánh : to sparkle; to twinkle ; to gleam
lấy : to pull; to withdraw, to take, with
lấy làm : to feel
lấy lại : to take back; to get back; to recover
lấy đi : to remove; to take away
lầm : to confuse; to mistake
lần : time; instance; occurrence, to grope one's way; to shuffle on
lần cuối : last time
lần mò : to grope; to fumble
lần này : this time
lần nữa : once more
lần đầu : first time
lẫm : granary, barn, silo
lẫm liệt : stately; imposing
lẫn : doting; forgetful
lẫn lộn : mixed; confused
lập : to form; to establish; to erect
lập tức : at once, immediately
lắc : to shake; to wag; to bump
lắm : deeply, very
lắng : to deposit
lắng nghe : to listen attentively; to listen with all one's ears; to be all ears
lặn : dive (down), submerge, set, go down
lặng : silent; calm; quiet
lặng im : keep silence, make no noise, keep quiet
lặng lẽ : quite, silent
lặng thinh : to keep one's mouth shut; to hold one's tongue
lặp : tautology, tautologic
lặp lại : repeat
lặp đi lặp lại : repetitive; iterative
lẻn : act secretly, underhandedly, on the quiet, on the sly, behind somebody's back
lẽ : reason
lẽ phải : right; reason; common sense
lề : edge (of road, etc.) margin
lề mề : idle
lễ : festival, festive day, holiday
lễ phép : polite; courteous
lệnh : order; command
lịch : calendar
lịch sự : polite; civil; courteous
lịm : lose consciousness
lọn : curl; ringlet; lock
lọn tóc : lock
lồng : cage
lỗ : hole, orifice
lỗ đào : gab, trench
lỗi : mistake, fault, error
lỗi thời : obsolete; superannuated; old-fashioned; outdated; outmoded; musty
lộ : road; street, to come out; to burst forth
lộ ra : expose, reveal
lộn : to mistake; to confuse; to confound
lớn : big; large, to grow
lớn lao : great, important
lớn lên : to grow up
lời : word
lời hứa : promise; engagement; word
lời nói : word; speech
lỡ : to miss; to fail; to lose
lợi : to loosen; to do good to
lục : to search; to forage
lửa : flame; fire
lửng : half-way, half-done
lữ : brigade
lự : very tasty, quite delicious
lực : force; strength
mai : carapace, spade, tomorrow, morning
man : false
mang : to carry; to wear
mang theo : bring, carry
mang về : to take away; to go
manh : piece
may : lucky; fortunate
may mắn : lucky, fortunate
meeting : meeting
minh : interpretive center
minh họa : to illustrate
miên man : continual; uncreasing; never ending
miệng : a mouth
mong : to hope; to expect and desire
mong manh : ephemeral; short lived; transitory; passing; fleeting; hazy; precarious insecure; unstable
mua : to buy; to purchase; to get
muốn : want
muộn : late
muộn màng : late in life
mà : but, that
mà thôi : only ; merely
màn : curtain; screen. mosquito-net
màn đêm : darkness
màng : to interest in
mào : comb; crest (of bird)
mào đầu : introductory, commence, open
màu : colour, color
màu nước : watercolour
mày : you
mái : roof
mái tóc : hair
mát : cool ; fresh
máy : machine
máy bay : airplane, aeroplane
mâu : lance, spear
mâu thuẫn : contradictory
mãi : (for) a long time; always for ever; for good; unceasingly, all the time; all the way
mãi mãi : forever; for evermore; everlastingly; perpetually; eternally
mét : meter, pale
mê : to adore; to be keen on something; to be mad/crazy about something; to have a craze/passion/mania for something
mê mải : be absorbed in
mênh mông : vast; immense; spacious
mì : noodles; noodle soup; egg noodle soup
mình : I, me, one, oneself
mò : to grope; to fumble
móc : to hook; to seize; to pick
món : item; article; dish
món quà : gift; present
móng : fingernail; toenail; nail
móng vuốt : claws, clutches
môi : lip
môn : subject, discipline
môn địa lý : geography
mông : buttock; rump
mõm : snout; muzzle
mù : blind; eyeless ; sightless
mù loà : blind; stone-blind
mùi : smell; odour; scent
mùi soa : hankerehief
múa : to dance
mũ : hat
mũi : nose, cape
mũi nhọn : spearhead
mơ : to have a dream; to dream
mơ màng : dream
mươi : ten
mười : ten (when not numerated by a preceding unit numeral)
mạc : screen ; curtain
mạng : to darn
mạnh : become strong/stronger; get better, recover
mải : to become absorbed
mảnh : fragment, fraction
mảnh khảnh : fragile, frail
mất : to lose, to die; to vanish
mất hút : to lose sight of somebody
mất thì giờ : to waste/lose time
mấy : how much, how many, several; some; a few
mầm : bud; germ, sprout, shoot
mầu : color
mầu hồng : pink
mầu sắc : color
mẩu : piece; bit
mẫu : model
mật : honey
mật ong : honey
mắn : fecund; multiparous; prolific; philoprogenitive
mắt : eye
mắt cá : ankle
mặc : to dress; to clothe; to wear; to put on
mặc sức : without restraint, freely
mặn : salt; salty
mặn chát : very salty
mặt : face
mặt mũi : expression; look; countenance
mặt trời : sun
mặt trời lặn : sunset
mặt trời mọc : sunrise
mặt đất : the face of the earth; the earth's surface; ground
mến : to love; to like; to be fond of
mề : gizzard (of poultry)
mệt : tired, fatigued, weary
mệt lả : dead tired
mệt mỏi : tired
mỉm : smile
mỉm cười : to smile
mọc : to shoot; to grow; to rise
mọi : all, every
mọi người : everybody
mọi sự : everything
mọi việc : everything
mọt : wood-borer; woodeater
mỏi : get tired/fatigued, tire/weary, oneself, fatigue oneself
mống : person, head
mốt : style;fashion
mồ : tomb; grave
mồ hôi : sweat; perspiration
mồi : bait; lure; decoy
mồng : (precedes one of the numerals from 1 to 10 to denote one of the first ten days of the month)
mồng gà : cockscomb
mỗi : per; each; every
mỗi lần : whenever; each time; every time
mỗi một : per; each; every
mỗi ngày : per diem; per day; a day; every day; each day; daily
mỗi người : each; everybody; everyone
mỗi năm : annually; yearly; every year; each year
mỗi nơi : everywhere
mộ : tomb; grave
mộng : dream
một : one
một chút : a little; moment; instant; a taste
một cách : in a... manner/way
một khi : once
một lát : while, a moment
một lúc : a moment/while
một lần : once
một lần nữa : once more; once again; yet again; again
một mai : one day, one of these days
một mình : alone
một tí : a little
mới : freshly, newly, only, new; fresh; recent
mờ : dim; blear ; blurred; opaque
mờ sáng : dawn, daybreak
mở : to open
mở miệng : to open one's mouth to speak
mục : head; section
mừng : glad; happy
mực : ink
nam : south
nay : now; at present; today
ngai : throne
ngai vàng : throne
ngang : equal
ngang tầm : keep pace with
ngay : direct; straight, immediately, at once, straight away, right away
ngay cả : even, not excepting
ngay giữa : right in the middle
ngay khi : as soon as
ngay ngắn : neat, tidy, well-balanced
nghe : to hear
nghe thấy : hear
nghi : to doubt; to suspect
nghi thức : ceremony; ceremonial; rite
nghiêm : strict; grave; stern
nghiêm chỉnh : serious, strict
nghiêm nghị : serious, earnest; austere, grave-looking
nghiêm trang : important, serious; solemn
nghiêm trọng : serious; grave
nghiêm túc : serious and strict
nghiêng : lean, incline, tilt, sink to one side; sloping, slanting
nghiền : to crush; to pound; to grind
nghiệp : trade; profession
nghìn : thousand
nghĩ : to think, contemplate
nghĩ ngợi : ponder over, consider carefully, worry about
nghĩ ra : think out
nghĩ thầm : think to oneself
nghĩ tới : to think of...; to think about...
nghĩa : meaning
nghẹn : choked; strangled
nghẹn ngào : in a voice choked with emotion
nghề : work; craft; occupation; profession; business
nghỉ : to rest; to repose; to take a rest
nghỉ ngơi : to have/take a rest
nghị : (contracted of nghị sĩ or nghị viện)
ngoan : good; well-behaved
ngoan cố : stubborn; obstinate; contumacious
ngon : delicious; tasty; succulent
ngon lành : delectable; delicious; tasty; appetizing
ngoài : out; outside; without; exterior; external, except
ngoái : last; be past
ngoạc : open wide
nguy : dangerous; risky
nguy cơ : menace, threat
nguy hiểm : dangerous; risky; perilous; awkward
nguyên : intact, unchanged, whole
nguyên tắc : priciple; fundamental
nguôi : subside, become appeased, become less sharp (severe), cool down, calm down
nguôi nguôi : relent, mollify; appease
nguệch : priciple; fundamental
nguệch ngoạc : scribble, scrawl, doodle
nguồn : source; spring
nguồn gốc : source; origin
nguồn nước : source of water
ngài : thow; your excellency
ngàn : thousand
ngào : to mix
ngày : day, date
ngày hội : feast-day; festive day; festival
ngày kia : one day
ngày nào : every day
ngày nọ : one day
ngáp : to yawn
ngát : very [sweet], fragrant, perfumed, aromatic, sweet-selling, odorous; suffuse
ngâm : to soak; to steep. to declaim; to recite
ngân : money
ngân hàng : bank
ngây : look naive, look stupid, look be wildered, catatonic
ngây ngô : dull, stupid, obtuse, slowwitted
ngây thơ : naive; innocent; guiltless
ngã : to fall; to tumble down
ngón : finger, special skill, speciality, trick
ngón tay : finger
ngô : maize; Indian corn
ngôi : classifier for stars, graves, temples
ngôi nhà : house
ngôi sao : star
ngôn : speak
ngôn ngữ : tongue; talk; parlance; language
ngùi : dosser
ngăn : to divide; to part; to get apart. to prevent; to hinder; to stem
ngăn nắp : orderly; well-ordered
ngơi : rest, repose
ngươi : thou; thee
ngước : to raise one's eyes; to look up
người : a human; a man
người bán : vendor; seller; merchant; dealer
người bạn : friend
người bẻ ghi : pointsman; switchman
người lớn : adult, grown-up
người mẫu : model
người nào : somebody; someone
người ta : people; they; one; you
người thắp đèn : lamplighter
người ở : inhabitant; occupant; dweller
ngưỡng : threshold
ngưỡng mộ : to look up; to admire
ngược : upside down; the wrong way up; back to front; the wrong way round; inside out
ngược lại : on the contrary; conversely; inversely; contrariwise; vice versa
ngượng : ashamed
ngạc : palate
ngạc nhiên : surprised, to wonder; to be astonished
ngại : to fear; to be afraid
ngả : to bard; to incline; to lean
ngả mũ : to take off one's hat
ngầm : secret, underground ; tacit
ngẩng : lift, raise (neck, head, face); look up
ngẩng đầu : to hold one's head up; to hold one's head high
ngẫu : at a loose end
ngẫu nhiên : by accident; by chance; accidental
ngậm : to hold in one's mouth
ngậm ngùi : to pity; to have compassion
ngập : flooded; submerged; inundated
ngập ngừng : to hesitate; towaver; to halt
ngắm : to contemplate;to look at admire oneself
ngắn : short; brief
ngắt : to interrupt
ngắt lời : to interpose; to interrupt; to slap somebody down; to butt in on somebody
ngọn : (classifier for moutains, hills, flame, candles, flags, lamps)
ngọn đèn : lamp
ngồi : to sit
ngồi im : sit still and quietly
ngộ : queer, quaint, in case
ngộ nghĩnh : extraordinary
ngộ nhận : mistake (something for something else), take (for)
ngờ : to suspect; to doubt
ngợi : o revive; to rouse; to evoke; to excite
ngủ : to sleep
ngủ gật : to drop off; to nod; to drowse; to doze
ngủ yên : to sleep peacefully; to sleep the sleep of the just
ngừng : to stop; to draw up
ngửi : to sniff; to smell
ngữ : measure, limit, moderation
ngự : be seated in a stately way
nhai : to chew; to masticate; to ruminate
nhan : face
nhan đề : title
nhanh : fast; rapid; quick
nhanh chóng : quickly; promptly; swiftly
nhau : each other; one another
nhiêu :  exemption from corvees
nhiều : many, much; a lot
nhiễm : infected
nho : grapes
nho nhỏ : somewhat little, tinyish
nhoi : emerge
nhà : house; home; abode; domicile
nhà buôn : merchant; dealer; trader
nhà bác học : scholar; savant; scientist
nhà chuyên môn : expert; specialist; professional
nhà cửa : dwelling; dwelling-house; house
nhà doanh nghiệp : entrepreneur; businessman; businesswoman
nhà ngươi : thou; you (used when a king or a mandarin addressed his inferior)
nhà thiên văn : astronomer
nhà thám hiểm : explorer
nhà thờ : church, cathedral
nhà vua : king; monarch; sovereign
nhà địa lý : geographer
nhà độc tài : dictatorship, dictator
nhà ở : dwelling
nhàu : rumpled; tumbled; creasy
nhàu nát : rumpled; tumbled; creasy
nhánh : branch; limb; bough
nhân : to multiply
nhân loại : mankind; humanity; the human kind
nhè : make use of, take advantage of
nhè nhẹ : gently, quietly, softly
nhé : all right ? OK ? eh?
nhìn : to look at
nhìn thấy : to see
nhìn xem : look
nhí : betty, little
nhích : inch, move, budge, move aside
nhú : begin to show, sprout
nhúc nhích : move
nhún : shrug
nhún vai : shrug one's shoulders
nhĩ : ear
như : as, like, similar to
như cũ : as before, as previously
như là : as if
như thế : like this; like that; thus; so; such
như thế nào : how, what
như vậy : like that; thus; so
nhưng : but; yet
nhưng mà : but
nhường : to cede; to concede; to give up; to yield
nhường nào : how much; how very
nhạc : music
nhạt : insipid; not salted
nhảm : unfounded
nhảm nhí : untruthful
nhảy : to jump, to leap, to dive
nhảy múa : to perform dances
nhất : the most
nhất là : first and foremost; especially; particularly; in particular
nhất quyết : determined, resolute, decidedly, positively; categorically, be resolved
nhất thiết : absolutely necessary; imperative
nhất định : fixed; given, to be determined to do something
nhầm : be mistaken, make a mistake, go wrong, be mistaken
nhầm lẫn : wrong; mistaken
nhẫn : ring
nhận : to get; to receive, to acknowledge, to admit, to recognize
nhận lỗi : to admit one's mistake/one's fault; to eat humble pie
nhận ra : to recognize ; to realize
nhận xét : to make comments/remarks; to comment; to judge; to consider
nhậu : to drink (wine, beer)
nhắc : to recall; to remind, to lift; to raise; to displace
nhắc lại : to recall, to evoke, to repeat
nhắm : to aim at; to train
nhắm nghiền : close (one's eyes) tightly; screw up one's eyes
nhẹ : light
nhẹ nhàng : light, mild; gentle; gently, quietly, softly
nhỉ : isn't it, doesn't it...
nhọc : get tired (with); be tired (of); tired; weary; fatigued; tiring
nhọn : sharp; pointed; acute
nhọn hoắt : very sharp-pointed
nhỏ : small, little
nhỏ bé : small; diminutive; tiny
nhỏ nhoi : small, little, humble
nhỏ nhẹ : soft; gently; mild
nhổ : pull up, pull out, extract
nhớ : to remember, to recall; to bear/keep in mind
nhớ tới : to remember
nhờ : thanks, by means of, to commision, to be dependent on
nhủ : tell, say
những : some, as much as, as many as, frequently, usually, nothing but
những người : everyone
niệm : pray under one's breath (in a whisper)
non : premature, young, tender, green
nuôi : to nourish; to bring up; to feed; to rear; to raise; to breed; to keep
nuối : regret; regretful
nuối tiếc : regret; regretful
nuốt : to swallow
nuốt chửng : to swallow up
nàng : she; her
nào : which, any, now, (before verbs having negative sense)
nào đó : certain, some
này : this
nán : linger, stay on
nát : crushed
não : brain; cerebrum
nãy : just ago, just, just now
nén : to restrain; to control; to curb; to check
nét : trait, feature
nên : should, ought to, therefore, that's why
nên thơ : poetic; picturesque
nêu : to raise; to bring up; to set
níu : grab; cling; catch; draw; stretch
nòi : race, breed, species; (fig) kind, sort, type
nó : he, him, it
nói : speak, talk, say, tell
nói chuyện : to talk
nói dóc : to lie; to tell lies
nói dối : to lie; to tell lies
nói thầm : to whisper
nói tiếp : to go on; to continue
nóng : hot; burning
núi : mount; mountain
núi lửa : volcano
núi non : mountains
năm : year, five
năm ngoái : last year
năng : frequently, often, many a time
nơi : place
nước : water, country; polity
nước Mỹ : America
nước Pháp : France
nước mắt : tear
nước uống : drink, water; drinking water
nạn : danger; calamity; disaster
nạo : to scrape; to clean; to clean out
nạo vét : dredge; scrape off, scrape/scratch out
nản : discouraged; despondent
nản lòng : disappointment
nảy : to bounce
nảy mầm : sprout, germinate, bud, shoot
nấm : mushroom; fungus
nấp :  to hide; to lie in hiding
nấu : to cook
nấu ăn : to cook ; to do cooking
nắm : to hold; to grasp; to seize
nắng : sun; sunlight; sunshine
nắp : lid; cover
nằm : to lie
nằm dài : lie stretched out stretch [oneself] out
nằm ngủ : to lie dormant
nặng : heavy; ponderous; weighty
nặng nề : heavy ; lumbering
nếu : if
nếu mà : if
nếu như : if
nề : smooth (mortar); plaster, parget; apply plaster
nọ : that; those
nọc : venom; poison
nốt : also
nổi : to rise; to develop, float, capable (of); be able; to be in a position to
nổi tiếng : celebrated; illustrious; famous; well-known; noted; renowned
nỗi : feeling
nở : to bloom; to blow; to open out
nở hoa : to flower; to bloom; to blossom
nụ : bud
nụ cười : smile
nức : be pervaded with
nức nở : sob
nửa : half
nửa vời : half(way)
nửa đêm : midnight
nữa : more, further
ong : bee
phi lý : absurd, irrational
phiên : turn
phiêu lưu : adventure
phiền : to annoy, to bother, to disturb
phiền lòng : to worry
phiền phức : complicated, compound
phong : (of king) confer, bestow (title, fief), enfief
phong lữ : geranium
phu : coolie, labourer
phun : to eject;to belch; to vomit; to gush; to erupt
phun trào : eruptive, effusion, extrusion
phá : to destroy, to demolish
phá quấy : to disturb, to harass
phác : to sketch, to draft, outline
phác thảo : sketch out, outline
phán : to order, to judge
phát : to distribute, to dispense, to issue, to deliver
phát cuồng : to go crazy/mad, to be as mad as a hatter/a March hare, to lose one's senses
phát hiện : discover, excavate
phân : stools, excrements, to separate, to share
phân biệt : to discriminate, to distinguish, to discean
phép : rule, custom
phét : brag (of, about), boast (of)
phí : to waste; to squander
phía : side, way, direction
phía trong : inside
phòng : room, chamber, hall
phù : to swell
phù du : ephemera
phúc : blessing
phút : minute; moment
phạm : to offend, to contravene, to commit
phạt : to punish, to fine, to penalize
phải : must, have to, should, right, correct
phải không : do...?; does he/she?; don't...?
phần : part; portion; share
phật : Buddha
phật ý : vex; be vexed; feeling of offence
phỏng : to copy, to imitate
phỏng vấn : to interiew
phố : street, house, apartment
phục : to admire ; to esteem
phức : very (fragrant), very (flavoured), very (sweet-smelling), sweetscented
phức tạp : complicated; compound
qua : through, across, by, to pass away; to be gone
qua đường : to cross a road
quan : mandarin
quan trọng : important, chief; grave
quan tâm : to care about something; to be interested in somebody/something; to take interest in somebody/something
quan tòa : judge
quanh : round, around
quay : to turn; to revolve; to swivel
quay cuồng : to whirl
quay lại : to turn round
quen : be acquainted with; be used to
quen biết : to be acquainted with somebody
quen thuộc : habitual; familiar
qui : to recognize; to state
qui định : to define; to stipulate
quyết : to decide; to determine
quyền : right, acting; ad interim
quyền lực : power and ingluence
quà : gift; present
quàng : to put on; to throw on
quá : very; excessive
quái : monstrous, strange, queer, odd
quái quỷ : satanic, demoniac, demoniacal, devilish
quân : army
quãng : section
quãng đường : stretch of road
quê : native place
quê hương : home, native land; father land
quê nhà : one's own native place, native village, native country, homeland
quên : omit, forget
quên mất : to forget
quít : mandarin orange; tangerine
quơ : to walk off with
quả : (classifier for fruits, mountains, hills, balls, fists etc)
quả quyết : decisive; determined
quả thật : really
quản : to mind; to flinch from
quản lý : to manage
quảng trường : sqaure
quấy : to fret; to snivel
quấy rầy : to annoy; to bother; to balger
quần : to tire out; to exhaust
quần áo : clothing, clothes
quặc : be at loggerheads with
quỉ : devil; monster
quốc : nation; state; contry
quốc tế : international
ra : to go out; to come out, out of
ra lệnh : to give/issue an order; to issue/give instructions; to order; to command
ra sao : how
ra sức : to strive, to exert oneself
ra vẻ : to pretend; to make believe that
ra đi : to depart; to start; to leave
reo : to shout; to cheer, make a noise; whistle; sing
rong : to go about from place to place
rong chơi : to wander
ru : to rock; to sing; to lull ru con to lull one's child to sleep
run : to tremble; to quiver ;to shiver;to quaver
run lên : shiver
run rẩy : tremble, shake, shiver, quake with fear
rung : to shake; to shake down
ruồi : fly
ruột : bowel; gut; intestine
ràng : to fasten; to bind; to tie up
rách : torn
rè : to be cracked
rét : cold
rên : to groan; to moan
ròng : to ebb; flow back to the sea
ròng rọc : pulley
rót : to pour
rô : diamond
rõ : clear
rõ ràng : clear; evident; plain
rút : take out, extract
rũ : to be tired out
rũ rượi : emaciated; haggard; get/be dishevelled; drooping; disheveled; hangging
rơi : to fall; to drop; to come down
rơi xuống : to fall; to drop
rưỡi : half
rượi : bracingly, refreshingly
rượu : wine; liquor; drink; alcohol
rạng : to begin to break
rạng đông : day break, the dawn, the break of day
rất : very
rất là : very
rất lâu : very long time
rầy : to chide; to rebuke; to scold
rậm : thick; bushy; dense
rắc : to sprinkle;to dust
rắc rối : complex; complicated; intricate
rắn : snake; serpent
rằng : that
rẻ : cheap; inexpensive; low in price
rễ : root
rỉ : to rust; to get rusty
rọ : cage; trap
rọ mõm : snout-ring; muzzle
rọc : to cut open leaves a book
rối : tangled; entangled
rồi : already, then
rồi đây : later, in the future, eventually
rỗi : to be free; unoccupied; spare; dormant; lying dead (of money)
rỗng : empty; hollow
rộn : raise a fuss, be in a bustle, bustle
rộng : broad; wide; extensive; ample
rộng hơn : wide
rộng lượng : tolerant; generous; magnanimous
rời : to break off; to break loose; to leave
rỡ : brilliant, sparking, glittering, glory, fame
rụt : to withdraw; to take back
rụt rè : timid; shy, tentative
rủ : invite, call upon, urge, ask
rừng : forest, jungle
rực : flaring up brightly, shining bright, blazing
rực rỡ : bright; radiant; effulgent
rực sáng : shine bright, dazzle, brighten
sa : fall, drop
sa mạc : desert
sai : incorrect, wrong, erroncous, erroneously
sai lầm : mistake, error
sang : on, into, on to, aside, expensive, luxurious
sao : why, how, star
sao lãng : to neglect
sau : hereinafter, below, following, as follows, after
sau cùng : after all others; last
sau khi : after
sau đó : after that
se : be wrung with pain
sinh : to give birth to to produce, yield to turn
sinh ra : to bring forth; to produce; to yield; to give rise to something
siết : to cut off, to slash off to squeeze, to wring, to fasten
siết chặt : to tighten
song : but, however
soạn : to prepare; to compose; to compile to sort out
sung : fig, cluster fig
sung sướng : happy; glad
suy : to decline, to consider,to ponder over, to think carfully
suy nghĩ : to reflect; to think, opinion; thought
suy đoán : guess, deduce by guess
suốt : through, throughout all, always
suốt ngày : the whole day; all day long; all day
suốt đời : all one's life
sách : book
sáng : bright, light
sáng choang : very bright, brightly-lit
sáng kiến : innovation, initiative
sáng rõ : full daylight; broad daylight, self-evident
sáng rực : bright, blazing
sáng sớm : early morning
sáng sủa : very light, bright, luminous
sát : be very close to, adjoining
sáu : six
sân : yard, courtyard, court
sân khấu : stage
sâu : worm, insect, pest
sét : thunderbolt
sóng : to shake out even
sông : river
sông biển : sea and rivers
súng : firearm; gun
súng ngắn : pistol
súng săn : shotgun
săn : to hunt, to hunt down
sưu tầm : to collect, to search for
sưu tập : collection
sướng : happy, elated
sưởi : to warm oneself
sạch : clean, cleanly
sải : spread of arms
sấm : thunder
sất : (particle of emphasis) [nothing] at all
sắc : colour, sharp
sắp : forthcoming, about to
sắp sửa : be about to
sẵn : ready, available
sẽ : will; shall
số : number
số hiệu : number sign
sống : live
sống chết : life and death, at all costs
sốt : fever, temperature
sốt ruột : impatient, anxious
sổ : register, book
sớm : early; premature; soon
sớm mai : early morning
sờ : to touch, to feel
sở : department; office; service
sở hữu : to own, to hold
sợ : fear, be afraid
sợ hãi : to be frightened
sợi : thread
sợi dây : rope, string, wire
sủa : to yap; to bark
sứ : china; porcelain
sức : strength, power, force
sừng : horn
sử : history
sử ký : history
sửa : to repair to correct, to put right
sửa chữa : to repair, to correct
sửa lại : revise
sửa soạn : to prepare, to make ready
sửng : stunned, stupefied, dumbfounded
sửng cồ : to have one's hackles up
sửng sốt : to be amazed
sững : standing still, motionless
sững sờ : astonished, stupefied, transfixed
sự : deed, act, action event, occurrence
sự bí ẩn : mystery
sự có mặt : presence, attendance
sự nghiệp : work, cause, career
sự vật : thing
sự xuất hiện : emergence, appearance
sực : suddenly
ta : I, me, my, we, our, us
tai : ear
tai hoạ : blight, calamity, disaster, catastrophe, scourge
tai hại : disastrous, catastrophic
tai nạn : accident
tay : hand, chap; bloke; fellow
tay cầm : handle, grip, hilt
tha : to carry, to bring to take with to set free, to release to forgive, to exempt
tha lỗi : excuse
tha thứ : to excuse; to forgive; to pardon
than : to moam, to lament
than thở : to lament; to wail; to groan
thang : ladder stepladder scale, range, gamut pack of medicinal herbs
thay : such (a)
thay vì : instead of
thay đổi : to change
theo : according to, on, at, in accordance with
theo dõi : to monitor
thinh : silent, mum
thiu : to get stale
thiu thiu : fall asleep
thiên : thousand, to move
thiên di : move, displace, remove, change from its or his place
thiên văn : astronomical
thiết : to care for
thiếu : to be short of, to lack to owe
thiểu : little, small
thiểu não : upset, mourful, wistful
thoáng : rapidly, swiftly, fast, briefly
thoát : get rid, steer clear (of), escape, free
thoạt : recently
thoạt nhiên : suddenly
thoạt tiên : firstly, first of all, at first
thoạt đầu : firstly, at first, from/at the beginning
thoả : thỏa
thoảng : breeze
thui : burn, scorch, scar
thuyết : to preach; to indoctrinate
thuyết trình : present
thuê : to employ; to engage
thuẫn : shield
thuận : favourable; agreeable; propitious
thuận lợi : favourable; advantageous; propitious; auspicious
thuận tiện : convenient; favourable
thuốc : medicine, medicament, drug powder
thuộc : to tan, to cure to know by heart; to belong to, to be of
thuỷ : beginning
thà : rather, better
thành : to achieve one's aim, to gain (win) one's end to turn into, to change into, to grow into, to make, citadel, wall
thành công : to succeed, to come off well
thành giếng : well casing
thành phố : city, town
thái : to slice
thám : to spy
thám hiểm : to explore
tháng : month
tháo : to open to untic, to undo, to unstitch, to dismantle
thân : intimate, dear, close
thân xác : body
thèm : to crave for, to deign, condescend
thêm : additional, added
thì : then; but certainly, for sure
thì giờ : time
thích : like, be fond, enjoy
thích thú : pleasant, enjoyable
thôi : to stop, no more, ever, only
thôi thúc : initiate
thông : to open; to allow, traffic through
thông minh : intelligent, clever
thùng : cask, barred, bucket
thú : pleasure, interest, animal, beast, mammal
thú dữ : wild beast; dangerous animal
thú nhận : to confess, to admit, to realize
thúc : to dun, ask, pester for payment
thăm : to visit; to call at
thơ : poetry; verse
thơm : perfumed; scented; fragrant; aromatic; sweet-smelling
thơm ngát : fragrant, sweetscented
thư : letter
thương : to love tenderly, to pity; to compassionate
thương hại : to feel pity for
thương xót : to take pity on somebody
thước : metre, ruler
thường : frequent, usual ordinary,common average
thường hay : often; usually; used to...
thượng : upper
thượng thư : minister, primeminister
thảo : to write, to draft
thấm : to absorb, to suck, sufficient
thất : seven
thất bại : to be defeated, to lose to fail, to be unsuccessful
thất vọng : to despair, to be disappointed
thấy : to see to find, to feel
thầm : to oneself, in a subdued voice, in the dark, inwardly
thần : deity, genie unsual keenness extraodinary skill
thần dân : subject; people
thần tiên : magic, deities and fairies
thận : kidney
thật : real, true, very, truly, really
thật là : really, indeed
thật sự : real, reality, actual
thật thà : frank; honest; sincere; truthful
thật vậy : indeed; really
thắp : to light, to burn
thắp sáng : to light; to illuminate
thắt : to tie, to fasten to wear to slender
thẳm : very (far, deep,)
thẳng : straight
thế : thus, so, like that
thế gian : world
thế giới : world, universe
thế là : thus, so
thế mà : however, yet, still
thế nhưng : however
thế nào : how, why, well
thế này : like this
thế ra : then
thế thì : then thus
thế thôi : that's all
thể : can, may, to be able to
thể nào : whatever it is, at any rate
thỉnh : to call upon
thỉnh thoảng : occasionally, now and then
thỏa thuȇ : to satisfy, to meet fully
thốt : to utter, to say
thốt nhiên : suddenly, all of a sudden
thổ lộ : confide
thổi : to blow
thổi tắt : to blow out
thờ : to worship to adore, to take reverent care of
thời : period; time
thời giờ : time
thời khắc : time
thở : to breathe, to respire
thở dài : to sigh
thợ : workman
thợ máy : mechanic
thợ săn : hunter
thủ : head, leader
thứ : order, rank, thing
thứ ba : third, Tuesday
thứ hai : second
thứ nhất : first
thứ năm : fifth, Thursday
thứ tư : fourth, Wednesday
thức : to wake (up); to sit (stay up)
thức dậy : to wake up
thừa : to comply with
thừa nhận : to recognize, to admit
thử : to test, to try
thực : true, real
thực sự : really, indeed, actually
tia : ray
tia sáng : light
tim : heart
tin : to believe
tinh : star
tinh cầu : star
tinh mơ : at the first gleam of daylight
tiên : first, fairy
tiêu : to digest to dispel, to kill to resolve
tiêu diệt : to wipe out, to annihilate
tiêu hoá : to digest, digestion
tiếc : to regret, to be sorry, to grudge
tiếc rẻ : to regret
tiếng : language, hour, sound
tiếng cười : laughter
tiếng hát : singing
tiếng rên : moan, moaning
tiếng vang : repercussion, resound
tiếng đập : knock, beat
tiếng động : noise
tiếp : to procede
tiếp theo : following; next
tiếp tục : to continue; to keep
tiết : to secrete, to emit
tiết kiệm : to economize; to save; to be sparing of/with/in something; to husband
tiết lộ : to reveal, to let out
tiền : currency; money
tiểu : small
tiểu hành tinh : asteroid
tiểu tinh cầu : asteroid
tiện : practical; handy; convenient
tiện nghi : comfort; convenience
to : big
to lớn : big and tall
to tướng : huge, enormous
toan : to intend
toà : government palace
toàn : all; entire; whole
toàn năng : almighty; omnipotent; all-powerful
toán : unit; detail; group; squad
toả : tỏa to spread, to emit, to send out
tra : to consult; to refer to..
trang : page
trang phục : clothes; dress; clothing
trang trước : previous page
trang điểm : to make up, to beautify
tranh : to compete, to fight for
triết : philosophy
triết lý : philosophy
triệu : million
trong : in; inside; within, at, on, during
trong khi : while, meanwhile
trong lúc : while, meanwhile
trong sạch : pure; immaculate; untarnished; unblemished; stainless; spotless
trong số : out of...; among
trong đó : among them, in there
trung : mid, medium
trung thành : loyal, faithful
truyền : to communicate; to transmit; to pass
truyền thuyết : legend
tràng : unit
trào : to overflow, to brim over
trách : to reproach for, to blame
trách móc : to reproach
trách nhiệm : responsibility
trái : wrong
trái lời : disobey, refuse to obey, be disobedient
trái tim : heart
trán : brow; forehead
trèo : to climb
trèo lên : to climb up
trên : on, overhead, upper, top
trên đời : in life
trình : to show; to present; to produce; to bring forward
trình bày : express, present
trí : mind
trí nhớ : memory
trí thông minh : intelligence
trò : trick
trò chuyện : to chat, to talk, to have conversations
trò chơi : game
tròn : round, circular full, complete
trót : by mistake; accidentally
trôi : to drift, to float along to pass, to elapse
trôi qua : to elapse
trông : to look to face, to open to to mind, to look after
trông chừng : to mind; to watch (over) somebody/something
trông giống : look like
trông thấy : to see
trú : to shelter oneself
trúng : to hit; to catch to win, to gain
trăm : hundred
trăn : python
trăng : moon
trưa : noon, midday
trước : preceding, previous, before
trước hết : first; firstly; first of all; for openers
trước khi : before
trước kia : before; formerly; once
trước mặt : in front of
trước nhất : firstly, above all
trước tiên : first; firstly; first of all; for openers
trước đây : formerly, before
trường : school
trả : to give back; to render; to return; to restore
trả lời : to answer, to reply
trầm : deep, bass, low
trầm ngâm : meditative, contemplative, reflective
trẫm : I (used by the king) ]
trận : attack; fit; outburst; storm
trắng : white, unused; blank
trắng bệch : whitish, off-white
trẻ : child, young
trẻ con : child
trị : to treat; to cure; to prescribe (a treatment) for somebody
trị vì : to rule, to reign
trọi : friendless, be emptied, abandoned, forlorn, forsaken
trọng : to think high of, to hold in esteem
trốn : to run away, to hide
trống : drum, tomtom, cock,male empty, vacant; unoccupied
trống rỗng : empty, hollow, deserted
trồng : to grow, to cultivate
trộn : to mix; to blend
trời : sky
trở : to turn; to change
trở lại : to return, to come back (again)
trở nên : to turn, to become
trở thành : to become
trở về : to come back, to be back
trụ : pillar, pier, post
trừ : except
trữ : to store (up)
tung : to toss, to throw, to spread, to rummage about
tuy : though
tuy thế : nevertheless
tuy vậy : nevertheless; however
tuyết : snow
tuyệt : excellent; great, mighty
tuyệt diệu : admirable, wonderful
tuyệt vọng : hopeless, desperate
tuyệt vời : excellent, splendid
tuân : to obey; to observe; to comply with
tuân lệnh : to comply with; to obey
tuân theo : comply, obey
tuân thủ : to obey; to observe; to conform to something; to abide by something; to comply with something
tuần : week
tuần lễ : week
tuần tra : to go on a patrol
tuổi : age
tuột : to slip, to come out (off)
tuỳ : to depend
tuỳ ý : optional
tài : skilful, talented
tàn : to crumble, to draw to an end, to decay
tàu : boat, ship, vessel, craft
tàu nhanh : express train
tác : take one word for another
tác giả : author
tác quyền : copyright
tái : rare, half done. pale
tái xanh : green-white as a sheet, pale as a ghost
tám : eight
tán : to crush, to grind. to wheedle, to blandish. to court. to gossip, to chat
tán hươu tán vượn : to talk nonsense/rot
táo : apple
táp : to snap. to lap
tâm : man's good heart mind center, heart
tân : new
tâu : report (to the king)
tây : west
tên : name
tìm : to find, to look for, to seek
tìm hiểu : get/come to know, cognitive, to survery, to search, to court
tìm kiếm : to look/search for...; to seek
tìm ra : to find; to discover
tìm thấy : to find; to discover
tình : lovingly, lovely
tình cảm : sentiment, affection
tình cờ : unexpected; chance; random; accidental; incidental; casual; fortuitous
tình yêu : love; passion
tí : little
tía : purple
tích : to store up, to accumulate
tính : temper, dioposition trait, quality property habit, to calculate
tính cộng : addition
tính mạng : vivacity
tính toán : to calculate, to count
tóc : hair
tóc tai : hair
tô : to apply colour to, to colour, to trace
tô điểm : to embellish, to adorn, to make up
tôi : I, me
tôn : to elevate to the status of
tôn thờ : to adore; to worship
tôn ông : Sir
túi : pocket
túi áo : pocket
túng : perplexed; embarrassed
tĩnh : silence, calm, peace
tư : four, fourth
tư cách : status, capacity behaviour, conduct
tư pháp : judiciary; judicial
tưới : water, to irrigate, to sprinkle
tướng : general
tường : wall
tưởng : to believe; to think
tưởng chừng : to estimate
tưởng tượng : to imagine
tượng : elephant
tại : at, in, due to, owing to, because
tại sao : why, the reason why
tại vì : as, for, because
tạo : to create, to make, to form, to cause
tạp : poor, miscellaneous
tả : to describe, to picture
tảng : slab, block
tảng đá : large rock
tấm : plate, sheet
tất : then surely, of course
tất cả : all, whole, as a whole
tất nhiên : natural, matter-of-course
tầm : towards; about
tầm thường : commonplace, mediocre
tầm vóc : stature
tận : as far as, to, right to
tập : to drill, to excercise oneself, to try to to cultivate, to accustom
tập dượt : to train; to practise; to exercise
tập thể dục : to take exercise; to exercise
tắc : to click (one's tongue)
tắt : to extinguish; to put out
tặng : present, give
tẹo : tiny bit, wee bit
tẻ : uninteresting, dull uncronded
tẻ nhạt : dull; boring; monotonous
tế : to run (ride at full gallop) to sacrifice, to worship
tệ : bad, poor heartless mighty
tệ hại : bad, deplorable
tỉ : billion
tỉ mỉ : in detail, minutely, in great detail
tỏa sáng : radiant, light output
tối : dark
tốn : to pay for
tốt : good
tốt bụng : good-hearted; kind-hearted; benevolent; gracious; charitable; clement
tốt lành : auspicious, propitious
tốt nhất : best
tội : offence, crime, guilt
tớ : I, me
tới : to, to come, to arrive, to reach, next
tờ : sheet, piece of, sheet of
tục : practice, custom
tủ : cabinet; chest
tủi : to lament, mourn
tức : be stifled, be too tight
tức khắc : at once; immediately; instantly
tức thì : immediately, at once
từ : from, since, word
từ biệt : to part, to farewell to
từ chối : to refuse, to decline
từ hồi : since
từ xa : from a distance; from afar
từ đó : since, thence
từng : every; each, to have done something
tử : to die; to decease
tử hình : death-sentence; death penalty
tự : self, oneself
tự hào : to pride of (on)
tự nhiên : natural
tỷ : milliard, billion
u : to swell
u ám : overcast, dull
uy : authority, prestige
uy nghi : impressive; majestic; superb
uy quyền : power; authority
uống : drink
va : to collide, to bump
va chạm : to hit gainst, to knock against, strike against
vai : shoulder
vang : to echo
viêm : to swell; to inflame
viêm họng : sore throat; angina; pharyngitis
viên : tablet
viếng : to visit
viếng thăm : to visit
viết : to write
viết thư : to write (a letter) to somebody
viễn : far, distant, remote
việc : work
việc làm : deed; act; action
voi : elephant
vua : king; monarch; sovereign
vui : merry, joyful, gay
vui lòng : contented; content; pleased; satisfied
vui sướng : glad; pleased; happy
vuốt : claws
và : and
vài : some, several
vài ba : a few
vàng : golden, yellow
vàng kim : gold
vào : in, into, upon, to come in, to go in to set in, to begin to join, to enter
vào lúc : at the time of
vào quãng : approximately
vâng : yes; all right
vâng lời : to obey, to comply with
vãn : over, finished, dispersed
vét : to scrape
vênh : warped
vênh vang : arrogant; haughty; supercilious
vì : because
vì sao : star, why, for what reason
vì thế : so, therefore
vì vậy : (and) so
ví : to compare
ví dụ : for example
ví dụ như : for example
vòng : circle; round; ring; hoop
vòng tay : bracelet, arms
vòng vàng : gold flow
vóc : stature; height
vô : to come in, enter, go in
vô cùng : ultimately
vô dụng : useless, good for nothing, worthless
vô lý : absurd, unreasonable
vô lễ : impolite; discourteous; uncivil; rude
vô tích sự : ineffective; good-for-nothing
võ : wasted
võ tướng : military leader; general
vùng : region, area
văn : letters; literature
văn phạm : grammar
văng : to cast, to throw, to spit out
văng vẳng : far-away sound, remote sound, hear or be heard vaguely from ảdistance
vĩ : tail
vĩ đại : great
vĩnh biệt : to part forever from somebody, farewell
vĩnh cửu : permanent
vũ : dance
vũ trụ : universe
vơ : to gather, to collect
vươn : to rise up
vương : king
vương quốc : kingdom; realm; sultanate
vườn : garden
vườn nho : vineyard
vượn : gibbon
vạn : ten thousand
vạt : flap
vả : to slap
vả lại : moreover, in adition
vấn : to wind to roll
vấn đề : problem, matter, question
vầng : classifier for sun, moon etc
vầng dương : sun
vẩn : become confused or dim
vẫn : still, yet
vẫn còn : still
vật : thing; object; body
vậy : so, thus, that
vẳng : to resound faintly
vặn : to wring, to twist to turn, to wind
vặn lại : cross-examine, interrogate
vặt : trifling, petty, odd
vẻ : look, appearance, sound
vẽ : draw, to paint to contrive
vẽ phác : to sketch, to outline
vẽ vời : graphic
về : about, on as for, as to, as regards, back, to return, to come back
về sau : after, later
vệ : edge, side
vệ sinh : hygiene
vị : position
vị quan tòa : judge
vọng : to echo, to resound
vỏ : cover, bark, shell, sheath, husk, skin, peel, pot, crust tyre
vố : blow, stroke, nasty, trick
vốn : originally, formerly
vỗ : to clap, slap, to lap, to flap
vỗ tay : to clap one's hands, to applaud
vỗ về : to comfort, to console
vội : in a hurry, hasty
vội vàng : premature; hasty; hurried
vớ : to grasp, to catch to catch, to come upon
vớ vẩn : foolish, nonsensical, silly
với : with, to, towards from
với nhau : together
vời : to claim
vở : play; piece
vở kịch : play, comedy; tragedy; drama
vỡ : to break to clear off
vỡ tung : break out
vụng : clumsy
vụng về : awkward; clumsy; having two left feet
vứt : throw away
vừa : just
vừa lòng : satisfied, content
vừa mới : recently
vững : firm, steady
vững tâm : be ressured, confident
vực : to raise
vực thẳm : abyss; gulf
xa : far, distant, remote
xa giá : state-coach, four-wheeled carriage, chariot of the king
xa xa : in the distance
xanh : blue, green
xanh xao : very pale
xem : to see, to watch
xem ra : to seem, to appear
xin : to ask (for), to beg, please
xin lỗi : apologize
xinh : pretty, nice
xinh đẹp : beautiful
xiết : tighten
xiết bao : how
xoe : perfectly round
xong : to end; to finish
xoàng : indifferent; mediocre; simple; rough and ready; so-so
xoã : to hang xõa
xung : aggressive; impulsive
xuyên : pierce, cross, go through
xuyên qua : pierce, cross, go through
xuất : to pay out
xuất hiện : to appear
xuống : go down, get down, down, downwards
xá : to salute, bow profoundly
xác : corpse; dead body; lifeless body; cadaver; stiff; carcass; carrion
xáo : to cook (meat) with bamboo shoots and spices
xáo trộn : disorder
xét : examine, consider, pass judgment on
xét mình : to think of oneself (as)
xét xử : to judge; to decide; to try; to hear
xét đoán : to judge
xê : to make away, move
xê dịch : to displace, to move
xí : toilet, latrine, rest room
xíu : tiny
xói : erode
xói mòn : erode
xót : sting, smart
xúc : shovel, to scoop up
xúc động : to be moved
xưa : ancient, old, long-ago
xưa kia : formely
xương : bone, frame
xảy ra : happen, occur
xấu : ugly, bad, worse
xấu hổ : to be ashamed
xấu xí : ugly
xếp : arrange, pile, fold
xứ : country, region
xứ sở : country; homeland
xứng : suitable, worthy
xứng đáng : suitable, worthy
xử : to judge
y : he, him
y như : as
yên : quiet, unmoved
yên thân : to have a peaceful life
yên tâm : to set one's mind at rest; to have peace of mind; to feel secure
yêu : love, to be in love with
yêu mến : to have fondness for somebody; to have deep affection for somebody; to feel deep affection for somebody
yếu : weak, feeble
yếu đuối : weak, feeble
à : oh (exclamation of surprise)
á : oh
ác : cruel, malicious
ác mộng : nightmare
ái : oh!; ah!; ouch!; ooh!
ái chà : oh!
ái ngại : to feel compassion; to feel anxious/sorry
ám : to possess
ánh : light, glare
ánh mắt : glint; look
ánh mặt trời : sunlight
ánh sáng : light
ánh trăng : moonlight
áo : jacket; coat; tunic; dress; gown; blouse; shirt
áo choàng : overcoat; gown; blouse; smock
âm : negative; lunar; female; minus
âm nhạc : music
âm thầm : silent
ân : favour; grace
ân huệ : favour; grace
ân xá : to amnesty, to grant amnesty
âu : European
âu phục : European clothes, European suit
êm : smooth; sweet; soft; calm
êm đềm : serene; fond; pleasant
ích : useful
ích lợi : usefulness, benefit
ít : few, little
ít ra : at least
óc : sense; spirit; mind
óng : (of fabric) shining
ô : suburd; outskirts
ôi : oh
ôi chao : Alas!
ôm : to embrace; to hug; to take in one's arms
ôm cổ : lock one's arms about someone's neck
ông : Sir, Mr
ông ta : he
úc : Australia
ý : idea; opinion, intention
ý kiến : view, opinion
ý nghĩ : idea, thought
ý nghĩa : meaning; sense; signification; significance
ý niệm : concept, notion
ăn : to eat, to feed, to take, to have
ăn cỏ : grass-feeding; herbivorous
ăn không : to live in idleness
ăn mặc : to dress (oneself); to get dressed
đai : to bear; to embroider
đai da : leather belt
đang : present marker; doing
đau : sore; tender; aching
đau khổ : to suffer great misery ; to feel wretched
đem : to bring; to carry
đen : black
đen thui : coal black
đi : to go, suggestion
đi bộ : to walk
đi lạc : stray
đi ngang : to go/walk past; to pass
đi ngủ : to go to bed
đi qua : to go through
đi săn : to go shooting; to go hunting
đi thăm : visit
đi đến : go to
đinh : nail
đinh ốc : screw
điên : lunatic; insane; crazy; mad
điếu : pipe, hubble-bubble pipe, hookah
điếu thuốc : cancer stick; coffin nail; cigarette
điều : word, sentence, issue, matter
điều kiện : conjuncture; context; conditions; circumstances
điều lệnh : regulations; instructions
điều tra : to inquire; to investigate
điều đó : that fact
điểm : point; dot
điểm trang : adorn oneself, smarten (oneself) up
điểm tâm : breakfast
điện : electricity; power
điệu : mannered, giving oneself fine airs
điệu nhạc : tune; melody
đoá : đóa classifier for flowers (usually used in front of a name of nice flower)
đoán : to guess; to conjecture; to divine
đuối : doing very badly, very weak
đuổi : to dismiss; to discharge; to turm off; to cast cut ; to expel
đuổi kịp : catch; to come up with
đuổi theo : to run after
đàn : flock; herd
đành : to resign oneself to something/doing something; to be resigned to something/doing something
đành phải : to resign oneself to something/doing something; to be resigned to something/doing something
đào : to dig up, to unearth
đá : rock; stone
đáng : worthy;worth, to deserve; to merit
đáng kể : noticeable, remarkable, considerable
đáng lẽ : ought to have
đáng thương : poor; piteous; pitiful; pitiable
đánh : to beat; to strike; to fight; to combat
đánh bạo : to make so bold as to do something; to venture; to chance; to hazard
đánh giá : to estimate; to value; to asses
đánh thức : to awake; to wake up
đáp : to answer ; to reply
đáp lại : to answer; to reply; to respond
đáp lời : answer
đáp xuống : to land; to alight
đáy : bottom
đâu : where, somewhere, is not, no longer
đâu đó : someplace; somewhere
đâu đấy : somewhere
đây : here
đã : past marker; already
đãng : debauched; lustful; lend
đèn : lamp; light
đêm : night
đêm nay : this evening; tonight
đính : to enclose; to attach
đòi : to claim back; to demand; to ask; to require
đòi hỏi : demand; requirements
đó : that; there; those
đói : hungry
đón : to pick up; to meet
đôi : pair; two; double
đôi chút : a little bit
đôi khi : sometimes, at times
đôi môi : lips
đôi mắt : eyes
đông : to congeal; to coagulate; to freeze
đúng : correct, to be right
đúng giờ : on time; punctually
đúng lúc : timely; opportune
đúng vậy : indeed!; verily!; exactly!; precisely
đúng đắn : sound; right; correct; judicious
đăng : to insert; to put
đăng ký : to register
đơn : appication; petition; request
đơn giản : simple
đơn điệu : monotonous
đưa : to conduct; to drive; to lead; to pass; to give
đưa mắt : throw a knowing look to
đưa ra : propose
đường : road, path
được : to obtain, to get, to gain, to be (used to form passive tense, positive outcome)
đại : wildly; at random
đại dương : ocean
đại sứ : ambassador; ambassadress
đạn : bullet; cartridge; (nói chung) ammunition
đạo : road; way
đạo quân : army
đảm : to bear
đảo : isle; island
đất : earth; soil; land; ground
đấy : there
đầu : head, initial
đầu gối : knee
đầu tiên : first
đầy : full; filled
đập : to beat; to threash; to smash
đậy : to cover ; to shut down
đắm : to sink; to suffer shipwreck
đắm mình : wallow in
đắn : amaroidal, bitter
đằng : direction
đằng sau : behind
đặn : take the wind out of (someone's) sails
đặt : to place; to put; to set; to depose; to lay
đặt ra : make, invent; set up
đẹp : beautiful; handsome; fair; pretty
đế : support; sole
đế vương : king; emperor
đếm : to count; to number ; to enumerate
đến : to, to arrive; to come; to get in
đến gần : to come close/near; to approach
đến nỗi : to such an extent that, to such a degree that
đến thăm : to visit
đến thế : that; so
đề : subject
đề nghị : propose; to suggest
đề tặng : dedicate
đều : even; regular; steady, evenly, uniformly, all
đều đặn : evenly, uniformly, regularly
để : in order to, so that, to place, set, toward, to let
để cho : in order that, in order to, so that, so as to
để lộ : to let out; to leak
để mà : in order to, in order that, so that, so as to
địa : to glance at somebody/something
địa lý : geography
định : to think of...; to intend; to mean; to plan
đọc : to read; to pronounce; to deliver (a speech)
đỏ : red
đỏ gay : crimson
đỏ mặt : to blush; to flush; to crimson; to be red in the face
đỏ tía : purple
đối : contrary to; opposite to
đối với : about, concerning, regarding, as for
đối xử : to treat; to behave
đốm : spot; speck; blob
đống : pile; heap
đốt : to burn; to light (lamp, pipe) To fire; to kindle
đốt đèn : light a lamp
đồ : thing; object; article
đồ nghề : tool; instrument
đồng : field
đồng hồ : clock; watch
đồng thời : at once; at the same time; simultaneously; concurrently
đồng ý : to agree; to concur; to assent
đổ : to pour; to spill
đổ nát : fall to pieces, be in ruin, collapse
đổi : to change; to switch
độ : about, in the region of
độc : toxic; poisonous; noxious
độc nhất : unique, single
độc tài : dictatorial
độc ác : cruel
động : to touch; to collide
động cơ : motor, engine
động đậy : to move; to stir; to budge
đột : to sew; to stich
đột nhiên : suddenly
đời : life; existence; world
đỡ : to relieve; to reduce
đợi : to wait for; to await
đục : to chisel; to carve; to chase chisel
đụn : heap; hill dune
đụn cát : dune; downsand
đủ : enough, sufficiently
đủ mọi : all
đủ thì giờ : enough time; sufficient time
đứa : (used in front of nouns or absolutely to indicate a person of lower position or derogatively)
đứa bé : baby; child; bambino; infant
đứa trẻ : child
đức : virtue; righteousness,(used to indicate high standing or holiness)
đức vua : monarch; king
đứng : to stand; to set
đứng lên : to get up; to stand up; to rise
đứng sững : to stand transfixed
đứng trước : face
đứng đắn : serious; correct
đừng : do not, don't
đừng có : do not, don't
đựng : to contain; to hold; to have the capicity for
ơi : hey, hello
ư : question
ưa : be fond of, like
ưa thích : to like; to love
ạ : (a particle at the end of the sentence to express respect)
ảnh : photograph; picture; portrait; photo
Ấn Độ : India
ấm : warm; tepid
ấn : to jam, to cram
ấy : it, that, the
ầm : to boom, to bang
ầm ầm : roaring, rumbling
ẩn : to hide
ốc : shellfish;gasteropod
ốm : ill, sick
ồ : oh
ở : at, in, to live;to be
ở dưới : underneath
ở trong : in
ở trên : above
ở đâu : where
ở đây : here
ở đó : there
ở đời : in life
ủi : to bulldoze
ức : to choke with anger
ừm : Hum

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