Monday, March 20, 2017


Afrika : Africa; African
Amerika : America
Amerika Serikat : United States of America
Antoine : Antoine
Arizona : Arizona
Australia : Australia
Cina : China; Chinese
Eropa : European; Europe
Exupéry : Exupéry
India : India
Kamis : Thursday
Léon : Léon
Mars : Mars
Natal : Christmas
Prancis : French; France
Rusia : Russia
Sahara : Sahara
Saint : Saint
Selandia : Zealand
Siberia : Siberia
Turki : Turkey; Turkish
Venus : Venus
Werth : Werth
Yupiter : Jupiter
abadi : eternal
acara : program; event
acuh : indifferent
acuh tak acuh : indifferent
ada : there is; there are; exist
adalah : is; are; was
adil : fair
aduh : ouch
agak : rather; somewhat
agar : so; in order to; that
agung : supreme; great
agungku : agung + aku ; my great
agungnya : majestical
ah : ah
ahli : expert
ahli ilmu bumi : geographer
ai : ouch; hey
air : water
air mata : tear
airku : my water
ajaib : miraculous; magic
ajak : invite
akal : reason; makes sense
akan : will; for
akar : root
akarnya : akar + nya ; its roots
akhir : end
akhirnya : finally; ultimately
akibat : result
aktif : active
aku : I
ala : in the style of
alam : nature
alam semesta : universe
alangkah : how
alasan : reason
alat : tool
alat-alatku : my tools
alatku : my tool
almanak : almanac; calendar
amat : so; very
ampuh : potent; powerful
anak : child
anak-anak : children
ancaman : threat
andaikan : supposing
andaikata : if
aneh : strange; weird
anggur : wine
angin : wind
angka : number; figure
angka-angka : figures; numbers
angkasa : space; sky
angkuh : arrogant; cavalier
antara : between
anugerah : boon; grace
apa : what
apa-apa : anything; nothing
apa-apalah : anything; nothing
apabila : when; if
apakah : whether
apalagi : moreover; let alone
apalah : whatever
apel : apple
api : fire
arah : direction
arti : meaning; sense
artinya : arti + nya ; that is
asa : hope
asal : origin; source
asal-asalan : carelessly
asalku : asal + aku ; my origin
asalnya : asal + nya ; origin; he comes from
asin : salt; salty
asteroid : asteroid
astronom : astronomers; astronomer
astronomi : astronomy
atap : roof
atapnya : atap + nya ; its roof
atas : on; top
atasnya : top of it
atau : or
ataupun : nor
aturan : rule
aturannya : the rule; his rule
awal : early; beginning; start
awas : beware
ayah : father
ayahnya : ayah + nya ;  his father
ayam : chicken
ayo : come on
ayolah : come on
bacaan : reading
badan : body; agency
badannya : badan + nya ; his weight; his body
bagaikan : like
bagaimana : how
bagi : for; to
bagian : section; part
bagiku : bagi + aku ; for me; to me
bagimu : for you ; to you
baginya : bagi + nya ; for him; to him
bagus : good; nice
bagusnya : bagus + nya
bahagia : happy
bahasa : language
bahaya : hazard; danger
bahkan : even
bahu : shoulder
bahwa : that
bahwa yang : that what; that which
baik : good; well
baik-baik : doing right; ok; well
baiknya : the good
baju : clothes; dress
baju besi : armor
bajunya : his bosom; his garment; his clothes
bakal : will
balet : ballet
balik : return; feedback
baling : propeller
baling-baling : vanes
bangga : proud
bangkit : rise
bangku : bench
bangun : wake
bank : bank
bantu : help
banyak : many; much; a lot
baobab : baobab
baobabmu : your baobab
baobabnya : baobab + nya ; its baobab
bapak : father; mister
barang : goods
barang-barang : goods
barangkali : perhaps
baru : new; just
baru saja : just
basa : base
basa-basi : courtesy; preamble
basi : stale
bata : brick
batang : stem; trunk; bar
batu : stone; brick
batu bata : brick
batu-batu : stones; rocks
batuk : cough
batuk-batuk : cough
baur : mixed
baut : bolt
bawa : bring
bawah : under
bayangan : shadow
bayangkan : imagine
beberapa : some
beda : difference
begini : so; put it this way; like this
begitu : so; like that
begitu saja : naturally; offhand
begitulah : so; thus
bekerja : work
belajar : learn
belantara : jungle; wilderness
belas : mercy; teens
belum : not yet; yet
belum pernah : never yet
benak : mind
benakku : my mind
benar : correct; true
benar bukan : right?
benar-benar : really; actually
benarlah : indeed; the saying holds
bencana : disaster
benci : hate
benda : object; objects
benda-benda : objects
benih : seed
benih-benih : seeds
bentuk : form; shape
benua : continent
berada : be; lie
berang : angry; anger
berangkat : depart
berangus : muzzle
berani : bold; dare
berapa : how
berapi : flaming; fiery; volcano
berarti : mean
berasaskan : based on
berat : weight; heavy; serious
berbahagia : be happy
berbahaya : dangerous; hazardous
berbaik : be kind
berbaik hati : kindly
berbaring : lie
berbeda : different
berbeda-beda : different
berbesar : elated; great
berbesar hati : elate; emboldened; heartened
berbicara : talk; speak
berbohong : lie
berbuat : do
berbudi : righteous; courteous
berbunga : blossom; flower
berburu : hunt
bercakap : talk
bercakap-cakap : converse; chat
bercerita : tell
berdandan : dress up
berdansa : dance
berderit : creaking
berdiam : stay; dwell; be silent
berdiri : stand
berduka : sorrow; grieving
berduri : barbed; spiked
berganti : change; switch
berganti-ganti : alternate
bergemuruh : rumble; thunderous
bergemuruhlah : rumble
bergerak : move
bergetar : vibrate; vibrant
bergetar-getar : shimmer
berguna : useful
berhak : reserve the right; have a right
berharga : valuable
berhari : for days; spend a day
berhari-hari : for days
berhasil : succeed; successful
berhenti : stop
berhiaskan : decorated with
berhubungan : related; in touch
beri : give
beriak : rippling
berikan : provide; give
berikutnya : next
berisi : contain; contained
beristirahat : rest; take a break
berjalan : walk; run
berjalan kaki : walk; on foot
berjalan-jalan : take a walk
berjam-jam : for hours; hours and hours
berjudul : entitled
berjumpa : meet; see
berjuntai : dangle
berkali-kali : repeatedly
berkarat : rusty
berkat : thanks to
berkata : say
berkata-kata : speak; speaking
berkeinginan : have a desire
berkelopak : valvate
berkemas : pack; packing
berkenalan : acquainted; get acquainted
berkilauan : sparkling
berkotak-kotak : checkered
berkuasa : ruling; in power; dominate
berkulit : skinned; crusted
berkunjung : visit
berkurang : diminish; reduce
berlaku : apply; be valid; act
berlalu : pass
berlama : linger
berlama-lama : linger
berlanjut : continue
berlari : run
berlawanan : opposite
berlayar : sail
berlian : diamond
berlibur : on vacation
berlumuran : covered; splattered
bermain : play
bermain-main : play
bermaksud : intend
bermalas : twiddle; idle
bermalas-malasan : lazing; idled
bermimpi : dream
bernapas : respire; breathe
berniat : intend
bernyanyi : sing
berpakaian : dress; dress up
berpaling : turn round
berpangkat : have an important position
berpikir : think; thinking
berpikir-pikir : think
berpinggiran : have edges
berputar : spin; rotate
berputarnya : it rotate
bersahaja : homely; unpretentious
bersalah : fault; guilty
bersama : with; together
bersedia : be willing to; ready
bersemayam : reside; sit
bersembunyi : hide
berseri : glow; radiant
berseru : exclaim; cry out
bersiap : get ready; preparing
bersiap-siap : get ready; make preparations
bersikap : have a certain attitude
bersinar : shine
bersinar-sinar : radiate; flaming
bersolek : primp; preen
bersungguh : conscientious
bersungguh-sungguh : earnest
bersusah : work hard; trouble
bersusah payah : bother; trouble
bersusah-susah : bother
bertahun : years
bertahun-tahun : for many years; all these years
bertanduk : horned
bertanggung : undertake; assume
bertanggung jawab : be responsible
bertanya : ask
bertanya-tanya : wonder
bertentangan : contradict; conflict
bertepuk : clap; engage in clapping
berteriak : shout
berubah : change
berulang : recurrent; recurring
berulang-ulang : again and again; over and over again
berumur : old; aged; be years old
beruntung : lucky; be lucky
berupa : form
berusaha : try
berwarna : colored
berwibawa : authoritative; commanding
besar : large; big; great
besar sekali : immense; big
besar-besar : big
besi : iron
besok : tomorrow
betah : like; endure
betapa : how
betapapun : however; regardless of how
betul : correct; really
betul-betul : really; downright
biar : let
biarkan : let
biarkan saja : leave it alone; let it go
biasa : ordinary; regular
bibir : lip; lips
bibirnya : his lips
bicara : speak; talk
bicaramu : you speak
bijaksana : wise
biji : seed; seeds
bila : when
binatang : animal; animals
binatang-binatang : beasts; animals
bintang : star
bintang-bintang : stars
bintang-bintangku : my stars
bintang-bintangmu : your stars
bintangku : my star
bintangmu : your star
bintangnya : his star
biri-biri : sheep
biri-biri jantan : ram
bisa : can; poison
bisa-bisa : possible
bisanya : bisa + nya
bocah : boy; kid; child
bodoh : stupid
bohong : lie
boleh : may; can
boleh saja : OK
bolehkah : may
boneka : doll
bordir : embroidery
bosan : bored; be bored
botol : bottle
bridge : bridge
buah : fruit; piece
bualan : hoax; gibberish
bualannya : his hoax
buang : waste
buas : wild; savage
buat : for; make
buatkan : make
buatku : for me
buatlah : make; bake
budi : mind
budi pekerti : manners
bukan : not; no
bukit : hill
bukti : evidence; proof
buktinya : bukti + nya ; the proof; the evidence; you proof
buku : book
buku-buku : books
bukuku : buku + aku ; my book
bulan : month; months; moon
bulat : round
bulat-bulat : round object; whole
bulu : fur; feather
bulunya : his fur
bumi : earth
buminya : the earth
bunga : interest; flower
bunga-bunga : flowers
bungaku : bunga + aku ; my flower
bungamu : bunga + kamu ; your flower
bunganya : bunga + nya ; his flower
bungkam : silent
bunuh : kill
bunyi : sound
buru : rush
buruk : bad
burung : bird
burung merpati : dove; pigeons
burung-burung : the birds
busung : edema; bloated
buta : blind
butir : grain
cahaya : light
cakap : competent; virtuous; capable; skilled
cakar : claw; paws
cakar-cakar : claws
cakarnya : his claw
campur : mixed; mix
campur baur : higgledy-piggledy; mix the diffuse
candu : opiate; opium
canggih : sophisticated
cantik : beautiful; gorgeous
cantiknya : beautiful
cara : way; how
caranya : the way
cari : look for; search
carik : strip; miniature
cat : paint
cemas : anxious
cemerlang : brilliant
cepat : fast; quickly
cepat-cepat : hastily; quickly
cerah : bright
cerdas : intelligent; smart
cerita : story
cerita-cerita : stories
ceritanya : the story; his story
cerobong : chimney
cilik : little; child
citra : image
coba : try; just; if
cobalah : try
cocok : suitable; fit
congkak : arrogant; cocky; proud
corat-coret : scribbled; doodles
coretan : graffiti; strokes
cukup : enough
dada : chest; breast
dadanya : dada + nya ; his chest
dahaga : thirst
dahi : forehead
dahinya : his forehead
dahsyat : terrible; awesome
daku : aku ; me
dalam : in; within; inside
dalamnya : dalam + nya; the inside
dan : and
dapat : can
dari : of; from; than
dari dulu : always
dari mana : where; from where
dari waktu ke waktu : from time to time
daripada : than; rather than
darurat : emergency
dasar : basic; basis
dasi : tie; necktie
datang : come
datanglah : come
datangnya : advent; the arrival
daya : power
dayanya : his power
de : de
dekat : close; near
delapan : eight
demam : fever
demi : for; by
demikian : so; thus; such
demikian juga : likewise
demikianlah : so; thus
dengan : with
dengan baik : well
dengan demikian : thus
dengan hati-hati : carefully
dengan mata terbelalak : wide-eyed; with a wide-eyed
dengan rendah hati : humbly
dengan segera : immediately
dengan serius : seriously; with serious
dengan sungguh-sungguh : in earnest
denganku : with me
denganmu : with you
dengannya : dengan + nya ; with him
dengar : hear
dengarkan : listen
denyut : beat; pulse
denyut jantung : heartbeat
depan : front
deretan : row
derit : squeak
desa : village
detail : detail
detik : second
dewasa : adult
di : at; in
di antara : among; between
di atas : above; on top of
di atas segalanya : above all
di balik : behind
di bawah : under
di dalam : in; inside; within
di luar dugaan : beyond a doubt; beyond suspicion
di mana : where
di mana saja : anywhere
di mana-mana : everywhere
di sana : there
di sini : here
di situ : there
dia : he; him
diabaikan : be neglected; be ignored
diadili : be tried; be charged
diajukan : be submitted
diajukannya : be submitted by him
diakui : be recognized; be approved
diakuinya : be approved by him
dialah : he is
diam : silent
diam-diam : tacit; silently
diambil :  be taken
diancam : be threatened
dianggap : be considered
diawasinya : be supervised
dibekukan : be frozen
diberi : be given
dibersihkan : be cleaned
dibersihkannya : be cleaned
dibiarkan : be left
dibuat : be made
dicabut : be alienated
dicari : be sought
dicarinya : be sought by him
dicatat : be noted; be recorded
dicemooh : scorned
didengarkan : be listened
didiami : be habited
diejek : be ridiculed
dielakkan : be dodged
digali : be extracted
digambar : be drawn
diganggu : be disturbed
digosok : be polished; be rubbed
digosok-gosok : be polished
digunakan : be used
dihibur : di + hibur ; be comforted
dihinggapi : be get attacked; be descend
dihirup : be inhaled
dihuni : be habited
dijaga : be guarded
dijelaskan : di + jelaskan ; be explained; be described
dijinakkan : be tamed
dikenali : be identified
diketahui : be known
diktator : dictator
dikuasai : be managed
dilakukan : be done
dilalui : be passed
diletakkan : be placed
dilihat : be observed; be seen
dilihatnya : be seen by him
dimaafkan : be pardoned
dimengerti : be understood; obvious
diminta : be asked
dimusnahkan : be destroyed; be liquidated
dingin : cold
dinyalakan : be kindled
dinyalakannya : be kindled by him
diomeli : be scolded
dipadamkan : be extinguished
dipadamkannya : be extinguished by him
dipakai : be used
dipakainya : be used by him
dipandang : be viewed; be regarded
dipatahkan : be broken
dipatuhi : be obeyed
dipekerjakan : be employed
diperbuat : be done; be committed
diperbuatnya : diperbuat + nya ; committed by him
direnungkan : be considered
direnungkannya : direnungkan + nya ;
diri : self
diriku : myself
dirimu : yourself
dirinya : himself; herself; itself
dirinya sendiri : himself; itself; herself
disambar : struck
disambar petir : thunderstruck
disambut : be welcomed
disanjung : be flattered
diselidiki : be investigated
disengaja : intentional
diserang : be attacked
disiplin : discipline
disukai : be loved; likable; favored; favorite
disukainya : disukai + nya ;
disulut : be fired
ditaati : be obeyed
ditanyai : be asked
ditaruh : di + taruh ; be put; be posted; be laid
ditelan : be swallowed
ditembak : be shot
ditemukan : be found; be discovered
ditemukannya : ditemukan + nya
ditiup : be blown
ditolak : be rejected
ditolaknya : ditolak + nya ; be rejected
ditulis : be written
dituntut : be charged; be demanded
diucapkan : be spoken
diucapkannya : diucapkan + nya
domba : sheep
dombaku : domba + aku ; my sheep
dombamu : domba + kamu ; your sheep
dombanya : domba + nya ; his sheep
dongeng : fairy tale
dongeng peri : fairy tales
drama : drama
dua : two
dua belas : twelve
dua-tiga : two or three
duduk : sit
dugaan : conjecture; guess
dulu : first
duluan : first
dulunya : formerly
dunia : world
duri : thorn
duri-duri : thorns
duri-durinya : the thorns
durinya : the thorn
dutaku : envoy; ambassador
efek : effect
efeknya : their effects
ekor : tail
emas : gold
ember : bucket
embusan : gust; puff
empat : four
empat puluh : forty
enak : delicious; tasty
enam : six
encok : rheumatism; gout
engah : puff
engkau : you
entah : either; who knows
entah di mana : somewhere
esok : tomorrow
esoknya : the next day
franc : francs
gadis : girl
gadis-gadis : girls
gagal : fail; failed
gagasan : idea
gajah : elephant
gaji : salary
gambar : picture; pictures
gambar-gambar : images; pictures
gambaran : picture; description
gambarkan : describe; depict
gambarku : gambar + aku ; my picture
ganda : double
gandum : wheat
ganjil : odd; strange
ganti : replace
gara : honorable
gara-gara : because of
gelang : bracelet
gelisah : restless
gelombang : wave
gelombang-gelombang : waves
gema : echo
gembira : excited
gemeresik : rustle
gemerlapan : glitter
gemuk : fat; grease
gemuruh : rumble; thunder
genggam : handful
genit : flirty; coquette
gerak : movement; motion
gerakan : movement
gereja : church
gersang : arid; barren; dry
gesa : rushed
getar : vibrating
gila : crazy
giliran : turn
gilirannya : his turn
golf : golf
granit : granite
gugup : nervous
guna : use; purpose; for; in order to
gunanya : guna + nya ; the point; profit; advantage
gunung : mountain
gunung api : volcano
gunung berapi : volcano
gunung-gunung : mountains
gunung-gunungku : my mountains
gunungku : my mountain
guruh : thunder
gurun : desert; wilderness
gurun pasir : desert
gusar : angry
habis : exhausted; run out; completely
habis-habis : soundly; completely
hadapan : presence; front
hadiah : gift
hadiahku : my gift
hal : case; it
hal-hal : things
hampa : empty; hollow
hampir : almost; nearly
hanya : only; just
hanyalah : only; just
hari : day
hari ulang tahun : birthday; anniversary
harinya : the day
harta : property; treasure
harta karun : hidden treasures
hartanya : harta + nya ; his property
harus : must; shall; should; have to; need to
hasil : outcome; result
hati : liver; heart
hati-hati : caution; careful
hatiku : my heart
hatilah : heart
haus : thirst
hebat : great; superb
helai : strand; blade; sheet
hemat : saving; frugal; opinion
hematku : hemat + aku ; my opinion
hendak : want
heran : wonder
hibur : entertain; comfort
hiburan : entertainment; amusement
hiburanmu : hiburan + kamu ; your entertainment
hiburkan : comfort
hidung : nose
hidungnya : his nose
hidup : life; live
hidupku : hidup + aku ; my life
hidupmu : hidup + kamu ; your life
hidupnya : his life
hijau : green
hilir : downstream
hilir-mudik : up and down; back and forth
hingga : until; to; up to
hitam : black
hitung : arithmetic; calculate
hm : hum
hukuman : penalty; punishment
hutan : forest
ia : it; he; she
ialah : be; namely
iba : compassion; pity
ikatkan : tie
ilmu : science
ilmu bumi : geography; earth sciences
ilmu hitung : arithmetic; computational science
ilmuwan : scientist
imajinasi : imagination
indah : beautiful
ingat : remember
ingatan : memory
ingatanku : my memory
ingin : want
inginkan : want
ini : this
ini dia : this he; this is it
inilah : ini + lar ; this
internasional : international
inventaris : inventory
inventarisnya : his inventory
istirahat : break; rest
itu : it; that
itulah : that
iya : yes
jadi : so; become; finished
jadikan : make
jadilah : be
jahat : evil; bad
jalan : road; way; go
jam : hour
jamur : mushroom
jangan : do not
janji : appointment; promise
jantan : male
jantung : heart
jantungnya : his heart
jarang : rarely
jarang sekali : rarely
jari : finger
jari-jari : fingers
jatuh : fall
jatuhku : my fall
jatuhmu : your fall
jauh : far; far away
jauhnya : jauh + nya ; distance; away; prepare
jawab : answer
jawaban : answer; answers
jawabannya : jawaban + nya ; the answer
jawabku : jawab + ku ; my answer
jawabnya : jawab + nya ; his answer; her answer; the answer
jejak : trace; trail
jejakku : my trace
jelas : clear; obvious; obviously
jelaskan : explain
jelek : ugly; bad
jendela : window
jenderal : general
jengkel : be irritated; cross
jenis : type
jenuh : saturated
jika : if
jinak : benign; tame
jinakkan : benign; tame
jinakkanlah : tame
jubah : cloak; robe
juga : also; too; nevertheless
jujur : honest
jumlah : number; amount
jumlahnya : the amount
jurang : abyss; gap
justru : precisely
juta : milion
jutaan : millions
kabin : cabin
kaca : glass
kadang : sometimes
kadang-kadang : sometimes; occasionally
kafilah : caravan
kagum : amazed; admired; wonder
kagumi : admire
kagumilah : adored; admired
kagumnya : impressed; fascinated; awe
kaki : foot; legs
kakinya : his legs
kalau : if
kalau begitu : then; if so
kalaupun : even if; though
kali : time; -fold
kalian : you
kalinya : time
kamar : room
kamarnya : his room
kami : we; us
kamu : you
kamulah :  you are
kan : will
kanak : child
kanak-kanak : childhood
kanan : right
kantong : bag; pocket
kantongku : kantong + aku ; my pocket
kantongnya : kantong + nya ; his pocket
kantor : office
kantornya : his office
kapal : ship; boat
kapan : when
kapan saja : anytime; at any time
karang : coral
karena : because; due to
karena itu : therefore; because of that
karenanya : therefore
karier : career
karierku : karier + aku ; my career
karun : trove
karya : work
kasih : love; affection
kasihan : pity
kata : word; say
kata-kata : words; the words
kata-katanya : his words
katakan : say
kataku : kata + aku ; I said
katamu : kata + kamu ; you said
katanya : kata + nya ; he said; said; she said
kau : you
kaukira : kau + kira ; you think
kaulakukan : kau + lakukan ; you do
kaupadamkan : kau + padamkan ; you extinguish
kausayangi : kau + sayangi ; you love
kawan : friend; comrade
kawan-kawanku : my friends
kawanku : my friend
kaya : rich
ke : to; into
ke arah : toward; towards
ke mana : whithersoever; to where
ke mana-mana : everywhere
ke sini : to here
keadaan : state; circumstances
keadilan : justice
keadilanmu : your justice
keajaiban : miracle; wonder
kebahagiaan : happiness
kebakaran : fire
keberangkatan : departure
keberangkatannya : keberangkatan + nya ;
kebetulan : chance; accidental
kebingungan : confusion; be in a quandary
kebisuan : silence
kebisuannya : his silence
kebun : garden
kecantikan : beauty
kecantikannya : the beauty
kecapekan : exhausted; fatigue
kecelakaan : accident
kecerahan : brightness
kecewa : disappointed
kecil : small; little
kecilmu : kecil + kamu
kecilnya : kecil + nya
kecuali : except
kedaluwarsa : expired
kedinginan : cold
kedua : second; both
keemasan : golden
keempat : fourth
keenam : sixth
kegagalan : failure
kehabisan : give out
kehadiran : presence; existence
kehadirannya : kehadiran + nya ; her present; his present
kehakiman : justice
kehausan : thirst
keheningan : silence
keheranan : astonishment; amazement; wonderment; surprise
kehidupan : life
kehidupannya : his life
kejadian : incident; genesis
kejauhan : distance; too far
kekanak-kanakan : childish; infantile
kekeringan : drought
kekuasaan : power; dominion
kekuasaannya : his dominion
kelangit : all sky
kelaparan : hunger
kelebihan : excess; surplus
kelembutan : tenderness; softness
kelenengan : little bell
kelihatan : look; visible; seem
kelima : fifth
keliru : wrong; mistaken
kelompok : group
kelopak : sheath; petal
kelopaknya : his petal
keluarga : family
keluh : sigh; complaint
keluhnya : his complaint
kemalangan : misfortune
kemalanganku : kemalangan + aku ; my calamity;
kemampuan : ability; capability
kemampuannya : kemampuan + nya ; the ability; his ability
kemari : here
kembali : back; return; come back; again
kembalikan : rollback
kembang : flower
kemesraan : intimacy; fondness
kemesraannya : his intimacy
kemudian : then; later; after
kemusnahan : obliteration; devastation
kenal : know
kenangan : memory; remembrance
kenangan-kenangan : memories
kenangan-kenanganmu : my memories
kenanganmu : my memory
kenapa : why
kencang : tight; toned; taut
kenyataan : fact
kepada : to
kepadaku : to me
kepadamu : to you
kepala : head
kepatuhan : obedience; compliance
kepergian : departure
kepergiannya : his departure
kerajaan : kingdom
kerajaanku : my kingdom
keras : hard
kerdil : dwarf
kerekan : hoist; winch; pulley
keren : cool; impressive
kerenyam : geranium
kereta : chariot
kereta api : train
keriput : wrinkled
kertas : paper
kerugian : loss; disadvantage; harm
kerumunan : throng; the crowd
kerusakan : damage
kesal : annoyed; pissed off; upset
kesalahan : error; fault
kesalahanku : my iniquity
kesalahannya : his iniquity
kesalahpahaman : misconception; misunderstanding
kesempurnaan : perfection
kesepian : lonely
kesetiaan : loyalty; fidelity
kesetiaannya : his faithfulness
kesibukan : rush; activity
kesukaan : favorite
kesukaanku : my favorite
kesulitan : difficulty; trouble
ketahuan : be discovered
ketahui : know
ketakutan : fear
ketidakpatuhan : disobedience
ketiga : third
ketika : when
ketujuh : seventh
kilat : flash; lightning; express
kira : think; guess
kira-kira : approximately
kiranya : presumably
kiri : left
kisah : story
kisah-kisah : stories
kita : we; us
kondisi : condition
kongres : congress
konon : reputedly; purportedly
kontradiksi : contradiction
korban : victim
koreografi : choreography
kosong : empty
kota : city; town
kotak : box
kotak-kotak : boxes
krama : manners
kuajak : aku + ajak ; I invite
kuat : strong
kubantu : aku + bantu ; I help
kuberikan : aku + berikan ; I give
kubersihkan : aku + bersihkan ; I clean
kubis : cabbage
kubuat : aku + buat ; I make
kubuatkan : aku + buatkan ; I make
kubunuh : aku + bunuh ; I kill
kucari : aku + cari ; I look for
kudengarkan : aku + dengarkan ; I listen
kugambar : aku + gambar ; I draw
kugambarkan : aku + gambarkan ; I describe
kuinginkan : aku + inginkan ; I want
kujadikan : aku + jadikan ; I make
kukatakan : aku + katakan ; I speak
kukembalikan : aku + kembalikan ; I return
kuketahui : aku + ketahui ; I know
kukunci : aku + kunci ; I lock
kukunjungi : aku + kunjungi : I visit
kulakukan : aku + lakukan ; I do
kulepaskan : aku + lepaskan ; I release
kuletakkan : aku + letakkan ; I place
kulihat : aku + lihat ; I see
kulindungi : aku + lindungi ; I protect
kulit : skin
kulit-kulit : skins
kumbang : beetle
kunci : key; lock
kuncup : bud
kuning : yellow
kunjungan : visit
kupecahkan : aku + pecahkan ; I solve
kupelajari : aku + pelajari ; I learn
kuperbaiki : aku + perbaiki ; I fix
kuperintahkan : aku + perintahkan ; I command
kuperlihatkan : aku + perlihatkan ; I show
kupu : butterfly
kupu-kupu : butterfly
kurang : less
kursi : chair
kursimu : kursi + kamu ; your chair
kursinya : his chair
kurus : thin; skinny
kusaksikan : aku + saksikan; I consume
kusentuh : aku + sentuh ; I touch
kusetorkan : aku + setorkan ; I deposit
kusimpan : aku + simpan ; I keep
kusirami : aku + sirami ; I water
kusut : wrinkled; tangled
kutemui : aku + temui ; I meet
kutemukan : aku + temukan ; I find
kuterima : aku + terima ; I receive
kutinggalkan : aku + tinggalkan ; I leave
kutub : pole
kutunggu : aku + tunggu ; I wait
kutunjukkan : aku + tunjukkan ; I show
laci : drawer
ladang : field
ladang gandum : wheatland
lagi : more; again
lagi pula : moreover; anyway
lahan : land
lahir : be born
lain : other; different
lainnya : the others
lalai : negligent
lalat : fly; flies
lalu : last; then; ago; past
lama : long; long time
lamanya : duration
lampu : lamp
lampu-lampu : the lights
lamunan : daydream; reverie
langit : sky; heaven
langkah : step; steps
langkahku : my step
langkahmu : your step
langsung : direct; directly
lanjut : continue; further
lantas : then; thus
lapangan : field; area
lapar : hungry
latihan : exercise
laut : sea
lautan : ocean
layu : wither
lebah : bee
lebar : width
lebih : more
lega : relief; relieved
leher : neck
lehernya : his neck
lelah : tired
lemah : weak
lembut : soft; tender
lembutnya : the tenderness
lentera : lantern; torch; lamp
lenteramu : your lantern
lenteranya : his lantern
lenyap : disappeared; vanish
lepas : off; escape
letak : location; situation
letakkan : place; put
letaknya : the location
letusan : eruption
lewat : pass; through; passing
liar : wild
lihat : see; look
lihatlah : see; look
lima : five
lindungi : protect
lindungilah : keep
lingkaran : circle
listrik : electricity
lobak : radish
luar : outside; outer
luar biasa : extraordinary
luas : broad; wide
luasnya : breadth; the extent of
lubang : hole
lucu : funny; cute
lukisan : painting
lupa : forget
lurus : straight
lutut : knee
lututku : my knee
lututnya : his knee
maaf : sorry
maafkan : excuse; pardon; forgive
macam : kind
macam-macam : all kinds
macan : tiger
macan-macan : tigers
madu : honey
mahakuasa : omnipotent; almighty
mahaluas : immensity
mahatebal : voluminous
main : play
main-main : flirt; play
maju : forward; advance
maka : then; so
maka itu : therefore
makan : eat; meal
makin : increasingly; more and more
maklum : know; informed; be advised
maksud : intent; mean; purpose
maksudmu : you mean
maksudnya : maksud + nya ; it means; the intention
malah : instead; even
malam : night
malam hari : night
malamnya : the night
malas : lazy
malu : shame; ashamed; shy
malu-malu : shy; coy
mampu : capable of; able to; can
mana : where; which
mana pun : wherever; everywhere
mana-mana : everywhere
mandi : bath; shower
mandir : forth
mangsa : prey
mangsanya : mangsa + nya ; prey; the prey; its prey; their prey
manis : sweet
manusia : human; man
marah : angry; anger
mari : let
masalah : problem
masalahnya : the problem
masih : still; yet
masing : each
masing-masing : each
masinis : engineer
masinisnya : the engineer
masuk : entry; sign in; enter
masuk akal : reasonable; it makes sense
mata : eye
matahari : sun
matahari terbenam : sunset
matahari terbit : sunrise
mataku : mata + aku ; my eyes
mati : dead; die
mati-hidup : dead-alive
mati-hidupnya : the dead-alive
matikan : turn out
mau : want
maupun : as well as
maut : death
mawar : rose
mawarku : my rose
mawarmu : your rose
megah : majestic
meja : table
melahirkan : give birth
melainkan : but
melakukan : do
melakukannya : do it
melalaikan : neglect; miss
melambai : wave
melamun : daydream
melancong : traveling; tavel
melangkah : step
melanjutkan : continue
melarang : prohibit; ban
melarangmu : prohibit you
melarikan : run; flee
melarikan diri : escape
melawan : against
melayani : serve
melayaniku : melayani + aku ; serve me
meledak : explode; blow up
meledaklah : blow up
melegakan : relieve
melegakannya : relieve him
melelahkan : exhausting; tiring; tire; weary
melepaskan : release; discharge
meletakkan : put; lay; set down
meletus : erupt
melihat : see; view; look
melihat-lihat : look around
melihatku : see me
melihatmu : see you
melihatnya : melihat + nya ; see it
melilit : wind; coil around
melilitkan : wrap
melilitkannya : wrap it
melindungi : protect
melindunginya : protect it
melingkar : coil; circular
melirik : cock; glance at
melubang : make a hollow
melubang-lubangi : make hollows
melukis : paint
melukiskan : describe; depict
melukiskannya : melukiskan + nya ; describe him
melulu : only
melupakan : forget
melupakannya : melupakan + nya ; forget it
memadamkan : extinguish; put out
memadamkannya : extinguish it
memahami : understand
memakan : eat; consume
memaksa : force; compel
memanas : heat up
memanaskan : heat up; heat
memancing : provoke; fish
memandang : view; look
memandangku : memandang + aku ; look me
memandangnya : view him
memanfaatkan : utilize
memang : indeed
memanggil : call
mematikan : turn off
membaca : read
membalas : reply
membangkang : rebellious; defiance; defy; turned
membangunkan : wake
membantah : argue; deny
membasahi : wet
membawa : bring; carry
membawamu : bring you
membawanya : bring it
membayangkan : imagine
membedakan : distinguish
membedakannya : membedakan + nya ; distinguish it
membela : defend
membeli : buy; purchase
membenahi : fix
membenarkan : justify
memberanikan : encourage
memberi : give
memberikan : provide; give
memberiku : give me
memberimu : memberi + kamu ; give you
memberinya : memberi + nya ; give him
memberitahun : inform; notify
memberitahunya : tell him
memberontak : rebel; revolt
membersihkan : clean up
membiarkan : let; leave
membisu : silent; remain speechless
membongkar : disassemble; unload
membosankan : boring; tedious
membuang : waste; dispose
membuat : make
membuatku : membuat + aku ; make me
membuatnya : make it
membuka : open
membungkam : remain silent; silence
membungkuk : bend
membunuh : kill
memburu : hunt
membutuhkan : require; need
memecahkan : slove
memedulikan : heed; care
memegang : hold
memelihara : maintain; raise
memeluk : hug; embrace
memeluknya : memeluk + nya ; embrace him
memerah : redden
memercayai : trust
memercayainya : memercayai + nya ; trust him
memerintah : rule; reign; order
memerintahkan : order; command
memerintahkannya : command it
memerlukan : require; need
memesona : fascinated
memetik : strum; pluck
memetiknya : pluck it
memikirkan : think
memikirkannya : think about it
memilah : sort
memilah-milah : sort out
memilih : choose; select
memiliki : have; own
memilikinya : have it
memilukan : move; touch; grieve
memohon : request; ask
memperbaiki : improve; fix
memperhatikan : notice; pay attention to
memperingatkan : warn
mempersembahkan : present; presents; offer;  dedicate
mempersiapkan : prepare
mempunyai : have; possess
memukau : riveting; views
memulai : start
memusnahkan : exterminate; destroy
memusnahkannya : memusnahkan + nya ; destroy it
memutuskan : decide
menahan : hold; withstand
menahannya : hold him
menakjubkan : fabulous; amazing
menakutkan : scary; frightening; freaky
menamakan : call; name
menamakannya : menamakan + nya ; call it
menambah : add
menambahkan : add
menambat : tie up; moor
menambatkan : tether; moor; tie up
menambatkannya : menambatkan + nya
menambatnya : menambat + nya
menanam : plant; grow; cultivate
menanggapi : respond
menangguhkan : suspend
menangis : cry; weep
menangkap : capture; catch
menanyai : ask
menanyakan : ask; inquire
menari : dance
menari-nari : dance
menarik : interesting; attract; pull
menaruh : put
menaruhnya : put it
menatang : bring; carry
menatap : stare; look at
menatapku : menatap + aku
mencabut : revoke; pull out
mencabuti : pick; pluck
mencabutnya : mencabut + nya ;
mencampur : mix
mencampur-baurkan : jumble
mencapai : achieve; reach
mencapainya : mencapai + nya ; reach him
mencari : search; look for
mencatat : record; note
menceburkan : sousing; plunge
menceritakan : tell
mencerna : digest
mencernakan : mencerna + kan(causative or benefactive) ; digest
mencintai : love
mencintaimu : love you
mencintainya : love him
menciptakan : create
mencoba : try; attempt
mencoba-coba : experiment; dabble
mendadak : sudden; suddenly
mendaki : climb
mendapat : get
mendatangi : visit; come to
mendekap : embrace
mendekapnya : embrace him
mendengar : hear; listen
mendengarkan : listen; hear
mendengarkannya : listen him
mendengarnya : hear it
menderita : suffer
mendeskripsikan : describe
mendiami : inhabit
mendongakkan : carry
menduduki : occupy
menduga : guess; suspect
menebak : guess
menebarkan : spread
meneguk : gulp
menelan : swallow
menempelkan : paste; glue
menemukan : find; discover
menemukannya : find it
menengadah : look up
menepati : keep; fulfill
menerangi : illuminate
menerima : receive; accept
menerka : guess
menertawakan : laugh; laugh at
menerus : constantly; continuous shooting
mengabaikan : ignore
mengacaukan : disrupt; mess up
mengadili : adjudicate; judge
mengagumi : admire
mengagumiku : admire me
mengagumimu : admire you
mengaku : confess
mengakui : recognize; acknowledge; admit
mengambil : take
mengambilnya : fetch it; take it
mengampuni : forgive; pardon
mengampuninya : pardon him
mengancam : threaten
menganggap : assume; consider
mengangguk : nod
mengangkat : lift; appoint
mengangkat bahu : shrug
mengangkatmu : appoint you
menganjurkan : advocate; recommend
mengantuk : sleepy; feel sleepy
mengapa : why
mengarahkan : direct
mengarungi : wade; cross
mengatakan : say
mengatur : set; arrange
mengawasi : supervise; keep an eye on
mengejar : chase; pursue
mengelola : manage
mengelolanya : manage it
mengeluarkan : issue; put out
mengeluh : complain
mengemudikan : drive
mengemukakan : express; bring up; put forward
mengenai : about; on
mengenakan : put on; wear; impose
mengenal : know; get to know; recognize
mengenali : recognize; identify
mengenaliku : recognize me
mengenalinya : recognize him
mengenalmu : recognize you
mengenalnya : mengenal + nya ; know him
mengenang : recall
mengerikan : horrible; terrible
mengering : dry up
mengerjakan : do; working on
mengerti : understand
mengesampingkan : override;  ignore; rule out; put aside
mengetahui : know; find out; be aware
mengetahuinya : know it
menggambar : draw; portray
mengganggu : interfere; annoy
menggelegar : jarring; thunder
menggeliat : writhe; squirm; stretch after sleeping
menggelincir : slip
menggendong : hold
menggendongnya : hold him
menggeser : move
menggeserkan : shift
menggigit : bite
menggigitmu : bite you
menggosok : rub
menggosok-gosok :
menggunakan : use
menggurui : patronize
menghabiskan : spend; consume
menghadap : face
menghadiahkan : reward; endow
mengharukan : affect; touch
mengharumi : perfume
menghela : haul; drag
menghemat : save
menghendaki : require; want; wish
menghendakinya : menghendaki + nya ; want it
menghibur : entertain; amuse
menghilang : disappear
menghina : insult
menghinaku : insult me
menghirup : inhale; breathe
menghitung : calculate; count
menghitungnya : calculate it
menghukum : punish; blame
menghukumnya : condemn it
mengibas : wag
mengibas-ngibaskan : wag; waggle
mengingat : remember
mengingatkan : remind
menginginkan : want; desire; wish
mengintai : lurk; stake out
mengira : think; assume
mengitari : round; around
mengoleksi : collect
menguap : evaporate; yawn
mengucek : rub
mengucek-ucek : rub
menguji : test
mengujinya : menguji + nya ; test him; test them; test that
mengulang : repeat
mengulang-ulangi : repeat
mengungkapkan : reveal; express
mengunjungi : visit
mengunjunginya : go visit it
mengunyah : chew; chewing; munching
mengunyahnya : mengunyah + nya ; chew; chewing; munching
menikmati : enjoy
menikmatinya : enjoy it
menilai : rate; assess; judge
menilainya : judge him
menimang : fondle; pet
menimangnya : menimang + nya ; pet him
menimbulkan : create; raise
meninggal : die; pass away
meninggalkan : leave; abandon
meninggalkanmu : leave you
menit : minute; minutes
menjadi : be; become
menjadikan : make
menjalankan : run; execute; operate
menjatuhkan : drop; impose
menjawab : answer
menjejalkan : cram
menjelajahi : explore
menjelang : towards; near
menjelaskan : explain
menjelma : reincarnate
menjemukan : boring; drab
menjenuhkan : saturate
menjinakkan : tame; domesticate
menjinakkanku : tame me
menjual : sell
menolong : help
menolongnya : help him
menteri : minister
mentolerir : tolerate
menuju : towards; lead
menulis : write
menuliskan : write
menunduk : look down; bow; bend
menunggu : wait
menunjuk : appoint
menunjukkan : show
menuntut : demand; sue
menurut : according to; by; obey
menuruti : comply; follow
menurutmu : menurut + kamu ; you think
menutupi : cover
menyadari : realize; be aware
menyahut : answer
menyaksikan : watch; witness
menyala : light; burn; flaming
menyalakan : light; turn on
menyambung : connect; continue
menyangka : think; suppose
menyapa : greet
menyasar : stray
menyebabkan : cause; lead
menyebalkan : resent; cause resentment; infuriating
menyebut : call; name
menyedihkan : sadden
menyeka : wipe
menyelamatkan : save; salvage
menyelamatkannya : save it
menyelinap : slip; sneak
menyelubungi : envelop
menyembunyikan : hide
menyenangi : like
menyesal : feel sorry for; lament
menyesali : regret
menyesuaikan : adjust; customize
menyiksa : torture; torment
menyiksanya : torture him
menyirami : hose; water
menyukai : like; love
menyulitkan : complicate; troublesome
menyulut : ignite
menyulutkan : ignite
menyulutnya : ignite it
menyuruh : tell; send; order
menyusahkan : trouble; vex
menyusul : follow; catch up; overtake
menyusulnya : menyusul + nya ; overtake him
menyusup : infiltrate
meragukan : question; doubt
merah : red
merah muda : pink; rosy
merah padam : scarlet; crimson
merangkul : embrace; hug
merangkulku : embrace me
merasa : feel
merasa senang : pleased; feel good; happy
merasakan : feel
merawat : treat
merawatnya : treat it
meredakan : ease
mereka : they; them
merenungi : think; brood; contemplating
meriah : merry; festive
merias : make up
merindukan : miss
merogoh : grope
merpati : pigeon
meruncingkan : sharpen
mesin : machine
mesinku : mesin + aku ; my machine
mesti : must; certainly
meter : meter
migrasi : migration
mil : mile; miles
milah : polysyllabic
miliar : billion
milik : possession; property
milikmu : yours; your possession
mimpi : dream
mimpi buruk : nightmare
minat : interest
minatnya : his interest
minggu : week; sunday
minum : drink; drinking
minuman : beverages
minumku : minum + aku ; my drinking
minyak : oil
mirip : similar; alike
mirip sekali : exactly like
misa : mass
misal : example
misalnya : misal + nya ; for example
misteri : mystery
mogok : strike
mohon : ask; please
molek : comely; handsome
mondar : back
mondar-mandir : back and forth; to and fro
montir : mechanic
muat : fit; contain
muda : young; light
mudah : easy
mudah-mudahan : hopefully
mudik : forth
muka : face
mula : beginning
mula-mula : at first; originally; first
mulai : start
mulanya : mula + nya ; originally; first
mulut : mouth
muncul : appear
mungkin : may; possible; probably
mungkin saja : may be
murah : cheap
murah hati : generous
murahan : cheap
murni : pure
murung : morose; moody
musik : music
nada : tone
nah : well
naif : naive
naifnya : naive
naik : up; ride; go up
nak : child; son
nakal : naughty
nakalku : my naughty
nama : name
namun : yet; however
nanti : later; lest
nanti malam : tonight
napas : breath
nasihat : advice
negeri : country
ngeri : fearful; terrible; cringe
nilai : value
nomor : number
nomornya : nomor + nya ; its number
nun : there
nyalakan : turn on
nyaman : cozy; comfortable
nyanyi : sing; song
nyaring : aloud
nyata : real
oh : oh
olah : if
oleh : by
oleh karena itu : therefore
olehnya : oleh + nya ; by him
opera : opera
orang : person; people
orang-orang : people
orangnya : orang + nya ; the guy; the person
pada : on; in; at
pada saat itu : at that time
pada waktu malam : at night
padahal : whereas
padaku : of me; with me; to me
padam : extinguished; go out
padamu : pada + kamu ; of you; with you; to you
padanya : pada + nya ; of him; with him; to him
pagi : morning
pagi hari : morning
pagi-pagi : in the morning; early in the morning
paham : understand
pakai : wear; use
pakaian : clothing; clothes
pakaiannya : pakaian + nya ; his clothes
pakar : expert
paling : most
paling tidak : least
paling-paling : at the very most; at most
palu : hammer
pamit : farewell
pancang : stake; pile
pancaran : emission; radiate
pancaran air : water jet
pancuran : shower
pandai : clever; good; can
pandangan : view
pandangannya : his view
pandanglah : look
pangeran : prince
panggung : stage
panjang : long
panjang lebar : lengthy; extensive
pantas : appropriate; reasonable
panting : skelter
para : the
parah : severe; seriously
pas : fit
pasi : drained
pasifik : pacific
pasir : sand
pasti : definitely; for sure
pasukan : troops
patah : broken
patenkan : patent
patuh : obedient
payah : jaded; difficult
pecahkan : solve; resolve
pedagang : merchant; traders
pedulikan : care about; regard
pekerjaan : job; jobs
pekerjaanku : my job
pekerjaanya : his job
pekerti : character
pelajaran : lesson; lessons
pelajari : learn; study
pelan : slow
pelan-pelan : slowly
pelipis : temple
pelipisnya : his temples
pelita : light; oil lamp
pelukis : painter
pemabuk : drunkard
pemalas : idler; slacker
pemandangan : view
pemandangannya : the landscape
pemandu : guide
pemburu : hunter
pemburuku : my hunter
pemerintahan : government; administration
pemerintahanku : my government
pemukiman : settlement; habitation
pena : pen
penari : dancer
pendek : short
penduduk : inhabitants
penemuan : discovery; invention
penemuannya : penemuan + nya ; his discovery; his invention
pengagum : admirer
pengagumnya : his admirer
pengalaman : experience
pengecualian : exception
pengertian : understanding; comprehension
pengusaha : businessman
pengusahaku : my businessman
penilai : estimater; evaluator; jury
penilaian : appraisal; evaluation; judgments; assessment
penilaianku : penilaian + aku ; my judgment
penjelajah : explorer
penjelasan : explanation; description
penjumlahan : addition; summation
pensil : pencil
pensilnya : his pencil
pentas : stage
penting : important
pentingnya : importance
penuh : full; complete
penumpang : passenger; passengers
penyakit : disease
penyekat : insulator; partition
penyekatku : my insulator
penyiram : watering can
penyulut : ignition; lighter
peperangan : wars; war
per : per; by
perapian : fireplace; furnace
perasaan : feeling; sense
perayaan : celebration; festivity
perbaikan : improvement; repair
perbaiki : fix; mend; fix it; repair
perbekalan : supplies; provision
perbuatan : deed; act
perbuatannya : his actions
percaya : believe; trust
pergelangan : wrist
pergelangan kaki : ankle
pergi : go; leave
pergilah : go
perhatian : attention
perhatiannya : his attention; his awareness
peri : fairy
perintah : command; order
perintah-perintah : commandments; orders
perintah-perintahku : my orders
perintahkan : command
perintahkanlah : command
perintahku : my command
perintahnya : his order
peristiwa : event; events
perjalanan : trip; travel
perjalanannya : perjalanan + nya ; his travel
perkataan : word
perkataannya : his words
perlahan : slow
perlahan-lahan : slowly
perlihatkan : showed; appearance; shown
perlu : need; need to be
permainan : game
pernah : ever; once
peroleh : earn; get; obtain
persembahan : dedication
persembahanku : persembahan + aku ; my dedication
persis : exactly; exact
persoalan : issue; problem
pertalian : ties; relationship
pertama : first
pertanyaan : question
pertanyaanku : pertanyaan + aku ; my question
perut : stomach; abdomen; belly
pesawat : plane; the aircraft
pesawat terbang : aircraft
pesawatmu : your plane
peti : chest; crate; casket
petinya : peti + nya ; the chest
petir : lightning
petunjuk : guide; advice; instruction
pikir : think; thought
pikiran : mind; thought
pikiranku : my thought
pikirannya : this thought
pikirku : pikir + aku ; my thought
pikirnya : his thought
pil : pill
pilek : cold
pilekku : my cold
pindah : move
pistol : pistol; gun
pistolku : my pistol
planet : planet
planet-planet : the planets; planets
planetku : planet + aku ; my planet
planetmu : your planet
planetnya : planet + nya ; his planet
pohon : tree
pohon-pohon : trees
politik : political; politics
pontang-panting : helter-skelter
potret : portrait
potretnya : potret + nya ; the portrait
praktis : practical
profesi : profession
puas : be content; satisfied
pucat : pale
pucat pasi : pallid; pale chalky
puitis : poetic
pujian : praise; compliment
pukul : time; hour
pula : also; too; again
pulang : go home
pulau : island
puluh : ten
pun : also; even
punya : have
punyaku : I have
pura : temple
pura-pura : simulate; pretended
putih : white
putus : off; give
putus asa : desperate
ragu : doubt
ragu-ragu : doubtful; undecided
rahasia : secret
rahasiaku : my secret
raja : king; great; kingdom
raja-raja : kings
rakit : raft
rakyat : people
rakyatmu : your people
rakyatnya : rakyat + nya ; his people
rambut : hair
rambutku : my hair
rambutmu : your hair
rambutnya : rambut + nya ; his hair
rapat : density; tightly; meeting
rapat-rapat : firmly
rapuh : fragile
rasa : flavor; sense; taste
rasa kagum : admiration
rasa-rasanya :  in case; seemingly
rasanya : it seems; the sense
ratus : hundred
ratusan : hundreds
raya : great
rebah : collapse; fall
rekan : colleague
rekannya : his colleague
rel : rail
remeh : paltry; trifling
rencana : plan
rendah : low; humble
rendah hati : humble; modesty
renungan : reflection; meditations
renunganku : renungan + aku ; my thoughts
renyah : intricate; crisp
reputasi : reputation
rerumputan : grass
reruntuhan : ruins
rewel : fussy; fretful
ribu : thousand; thousands
rimba : jungle; forest
rimba raya : jungle; the jungle kingdom
rindu : longing
ringan : mild; lightweight
risau : concerned; worry
ritual : ritual; rite
rokok : cigarette
rokokmu : your cigarette
rombengan : junk
roti : bread
rubah : fox
rubahku : my fox
rubahmu : your fox
rumah : home; house
rumahku : my house
rumahnya : the house
rumit : complicated
rumput : grass
runcing : pointed; sharp
rupanya : apparently; the appearance
rupawan : personable; handsome
rusak : damaged; broken
rutin : routine
saat : time; when
sabar : patient; wait
sahabat : friend
sahabatku : my friend
sahut : reply; answer
sahutku : my reply
saja : only; just
sakit : ill; sick
saksama : thoroughly; thorough
saksikan : consume; see; witness
sakti : magic
salah : fault; wrong; one
salah satu : one of
salahku : salah + aku ; my fault
salahmu : your fault
saling : each other; mutually
salju : snow
sama : same; similar
sama dengan : equal to; same with
sama saja : same; just the same
sama sekali : at all; altogether; absolutely; totally; wholly
sama sekali tidak : not at all; absolutely not
sambil : while
sambung : continue; connect
sambungnya : sambung + nya ; he continue
sampai : to; until; till
samping : side; next to
sampingku : my side
sampingnya : next to him
samudra : ocean
sana : there
sanca : python
sang : the
sangat : very; really; extremely
sangka : think; thought
sanubari : heart
sanubarinya : the heart
saputangan : handkerchief
sarapan : breakfast
satu : one
satu per satu : one by one
satu pun : even one; a single
satu-satunya : only; the only
satunya : one; other one
saudara : brother
saudaranya : saudara + nya ; his brother
sayang : dear; sweetheart; compassion; pity
sayangi : adore; care about; love;
sayangnya : unfortunately
seakan : seem
seakan-akan : as if; as though
sebab : because
sebabnya : the reason why
sebagai : as
sebaiknya : should
sebatang : se + batang ; a; an
sebelas : eleven
sebelum : before
sebelumnya : previous; previouslys
sebenar : true
sebenarnya : actually; actual
sebentar : moment; briefly
sebesar : se + besar ; as big as
sebisa : as far as
sebisa-bisanya : se + bisa-bisa + nya ; his best
sebodoh : as stupid as
sebuah : se + buah ; a; an
secakap : se + cakap; as good-looking as
secara : in; by
secara kebetulan : by chance; incidentally; coincidentally
secarik : se + carik :  a piece of
secercah : glimmer
sedang : medium; moderately; in the process of
sedangkan : whereas; while
sederetan : a series of
sederhana : simple
sedetik : se + detik ; a second
sedih : sad
sedikit : slightly; a little
sedikit demi sedikit : little by little
sedu : sob
seekor : se + ekor ; a; one; an
seenak : se + enak ; as good
seenaknya : seenak + nya ; casually
segala : all
segala sesuatu : everything
segalanya : segala + nya ; everything
segar : fresh
segenggam : handful; a handful of
segera : immediately; soon
segeralah : quickly
sehabis : after
seharga : at the price of; costing
seharusnya : should
sehebat : se + hebat ; as good
sehelai : se + helai ; a piece; a piece of
sehingga : so that; so
sejak : since
sejarah : history
sejenak : for a while; for a moment
sejenis : akin; similar; of one kind
sekali : once; very; all
sekali peristiwa : once upon a time
sekali-sekali : occasionally
sekaligus : at once; at the same time
sekalipun : although; though; even if
sekarang : now
sekarat : agony; dying
sekecil : se + kecil ; as small; as little as
sekejap : flash; an instant
sekejap mata : jiffy; blink of an eye
sekelompok : se + kelompok ; a group
seketika : immediately
sekian : as much as this; several; so many
sekitar : about; around
sekitarnya : surrounding
sekotak : se + kotak; a box of
sekuntum : se + kuntum ; a bud
sela : interrupt
selain : besides; in addition to
selalu : always
selama : for; during
selama ini : all this time; during this time
selama-lamanya : forever
selamat : congratulations; good; safe
selamat jalan : farewell; goodbye
selamat tinggal : goodbye
selangkah : se + langkah ; a step
selapis : layer
selatan : south
selendang : muffler; shawl; scarf
selesai : finished; finish
seluruh : all; whole
semak : bush
semakin : more and more
semangat : spirit; passion
semangatku : semangat + aku ; my spirit
semata : only; sheer
semata-mata : solely; mereby; merely
semau : as one likes it
semaumu : as you want
semaunya : semau + nya ; arbitrarily; at will
sembarangan : haphazardly; carelessly; haphazard; indiscriminate
sembilan : nine
semesta : universal; universe
semestinya : should
seminggu : se + minggu ; a week
semirip : se + mirip ;  as closely as
sempat : have an opportunity
sempurna : perfect
semua : all
semua orang : everyone
semuanya : all; all of them
senang : happy; like
senapan : rifle
sendiri : own; itself; themselves
sendirian : alone; privately
sendirinya : sendiri + nya ; itself
sengsara : misery; miserable
senja : dusk; twilight
sentuh : touch; tap
senyum : smile
senyuman : smile
seolah : as if; seemed; like as; as though; seem to
seolah-olah : as though; as if
seorang : se + orang ; a; an; one; alone
seorang diri : alone
sepakat : agreed; agree
sepanjang : along; as long as; throughout
sepanjang hari : all day
separah : as worse as
sepele : trivial
sepenting : as important as
sepenuhnya : fully; entirely
seperti : as; like
sepertinya : it seems; it looks like
sepuluh : ten
seratus : a hundred; hundred
seraya : while
serba : completely
seri : series
seribu : thousand; a thousand
serikat : union
sering : often; frequently
serius : serious
serta : and; as well as
serupa : similar
sesaat : moment; for a moment
sesak : crowded
sesal : regret
sesalnya : his regret
seseorang : someone; somebody
sesuai : appropriate; correspond
sesuatu : something
sesudah : after
setahun : a year
setangkai : se + tangkai ; a; an
setelah : after
setengah : half
setetes : se + tetes ; a drop of
setiap : every; each
setiap kali : each time; every time
setinggi : as high as
si : word used in the various names of plants or animals
siang : day; lunch
siang hari : daytime
siap : ready
siapa : who
siapa pun : anyone
siapa-siapa : nobody
sibuk : busy
sibuknya : busy
sifat : nature
sifat jahat : viciousness
sifatnya : its nature
sikap : attitude; posture
sikapnya : his attitude
simpan : save; store; keep
sinar : beam; ray
sinar bulan : moonlight
singgasana : throne
singkat : brief; short
sini : here
sinilah : this is where
sisa : rest
situ : there
soal : matter; problem; about
soalnya : the problem
sombong : arrogant; conceited
sopan : polite
sore : afternoon
sorenya : the afternoon
suara : voice; sound
suaranya : suara + nya ; his voice
suatu : one; a
suatu hari : someday; one day
subuh : dawn
sudah : already
sudah jadi : ready-made
sudikah : talk deceitfully
suka : like; love
sukar : difficult; hard
sulit : difficult; hard
sumber : source
sumur : well
sumur-sumur : wells
sungai : river
sungguh : really
sungguh-sungguh : seriously; earnest
sungkup : containment; hood
supaya : so; in order to
suram : bleak; gloomy
suruh : order
susah : difficult; hard
susunan : arrangement
susunannya : the arrangement
taat : obey; obedient
tadi : last; just now
tahan : stand; bear
tahu : know
tahun : year; years
tahun demi tahun : year by year
tahunnya : the year
tak : not; no
tak apalah : never mind
takut : fear; afraid; frightened; scared
takutnya : the fear
tali : rope
talinya : the rope
tambah : add
tambahan : additional; addition; in addition
tambahan pula : moreover; furthermore
tambahkan : add
tambahnya : tambah + nya ; he added;
tambang : mine; rope
tampak : appear; look; seem
tampaknya :  tampak + nya ; apparently; it seems
tampan : handsome
tampil : appear; perform
tanah : soil; land
tanaman : plant
tanduk : horn
tangan : hand
tanganku : my hand
tanganmu : your hand
tangkai : stalk; stem
tangkis : parry; countered
tanpa : without
tanpa disengaja : accidental; without deliberate
tanya : ask
tanyai : ask
tanyakan : ask
tanyakanlah : ask
tanyaku : ake me
tanyanya : ask him ; he ask
tapi : but
taruh : place; put
tata : order
tata bahasa : grammar
tata krama : manners; etiquette
tawa : laughter
tawanya : his laughter
tebal : thick
tegak : erect; straighten
tegas : firm; firmly
teka : guess
teka-teki : puzzle; riddle
teki : puzzle
tekun : diligent
telah : already
telan : swallow
teleskop : telescope
telinga : ear
telingaku : my ear
telinganya : his ear
teliti : thorough; accurate
teman : friend; friends
teman-teman : friends
teman-temanku : my friends
teman-temanmu : your friends
temanku : teman + aku ; my friend
temanmu : your friend
temannya : his friend
tembok : wall
tempat : place
tempatku : tempat + aku ; my place
tempatmu : tempat + kamu ; your place
tempatnya : the place
temporer : temporary
temui : meet
temukan : find
tenaga : power
tenaga listrik : electric power
tenang : calm; quiet
tengah : middle; central
tengah-tengah : middle;  the midst of
tenggelam : sink; go down
tentang : about; on
tentu : of course; certainly; necessarily; sure
tentu saja : of course
tentunya : of course
tepat : right
tepi : edge
tepuk : clap
terakhir : last
terakhir kalinya : the last time; last time
terancam : threatened; endangered
terasa : feel
teratur : regular
terbaik : best
terbang : fly
terbangku : terbang + aku ; my fly
terbangun : awakened; waking up
terbatas : limited
terbawa : brought
terbawa-bawa : carried
terbelalak : staring; wide eyes
terbenam : set; sunset
terbenamku : my set
terbenamnya : his set
terbentuk : form
terbentuknya : its shape
terbit : rise
terbuka : open
terburu : hasty
terburu-buru : be in a hurry; hurried
tercengang : dumbfounded; astonished
terdapat : be found
terdiam : silent; speechless
terengah : panting; breathless
terengah-engah : be out of breath; panting
tergagap : stammer
tergantung : depend
tergesa : haste
tergesa-gesa : in a hurry
tergugah : stirred; moved
terhadap : against; with respect to
terharu : moved; affected
terheran-heran : wonder about;
terhibur : consoled; amused
terhitung : counted; included
teriak : yell; screaming
terima : thank; receive
teringat : remember; occur
terjadi : occur; happen
terjadilah : happen
terkecil : the smallest
terkejut : shocked; pleasantly surprised
terkumpul : accumulate; collect
terlalu : too; overly
terlalu lama : overlong
terlambat : late
terlampau : too; outrageously
terlihat : visible
terlontar : ejected; thrown
termasuk : including
terngiang : resonated; ringing
ternyata : it turns out; in fact
terpaksa : forced
terpancar : radiated
terpancing : bait; hooked
terpejam : closed
terpencil : remote; solitary; secluded; reclusive
terpendam : burried
terpenting : foremost; the most important
terperanjat : aghast; surprised
terpuruk : slumped; derailed
tersebut : mentioned; said
tersedia : available
tersedu : sobbing; sob
tersedu-sedu : sob
tersembunyi : hidden
tersentak : flinched; jerked; jolted
tersenyum : smile
terserah : whatever
tersesat : lost; get lost
tersinggung : offended; irritated
tersisa : remaining; over
tertampung : accommodated
tertanam : planted; embedded
tertanggal : dated
tertarik : interested; be interested
tertawa : laugh
tertekan : oppressed; depressed
tertidur : fall asleep
tertinggal : left behind
tertutup : closed; enclosed
terungkap : be revealed
terus : continue
terus-menerus : continuous; constantly
terutama : especially; particularly
tetap : still; fixed
tetapi : but
tetes : drops
tiada : no
tiap : each; every
tiba : arrive; come
tiba-tiba : suddenly; all of a sudden
tidak : not; no
tidak masuk akal : no sense; it makes no sense; silly; out of question
tidak pernah : never
tidak seorang : nobody
tidur : sleep
tiga : three
tikus : rat
tinggal : stay; live
tinggalkan : leave; defer
tinggi : high
tinta : ink
tipu : trick
tipu daya : trickery; guile
tiruan : artificial; clone; replica; imitation
titah : command
tolol : stupid; dope
tolong : please
tolonglah : please
topi : cap; hat
topimu : your hat
topinya : his hat
tragedi : tragedy
tua : old
tuan : master
tuanku : my lord
tubuh : body
tubuhnya : his body
tujuh : seven
tukang : craftsman
tulis : written; write
tumbang : collapse
tumben : how odd
tumbuh : grow
tumbuhlah : grow
tumbuhnya : stature; growing
tunas : bud; shoot
tunas-tunas : shoots
tunggal : single
tunggulah : wait
turun : down; fall
ucap : word
ucek : rub
ujar : say; saying
ujarnya : ujar + nya ; he said
ukuran : size
ulang : repeated
ulang tahun : anniversary; birthday
ulangi : repeat
ulangnya : he repeated
ular : snake; serpent
ular sanca : python
ulat : caterpillar
ulat-ulatnya : the caterpillars
umat : people
umat manusia : mankind
umum : general; common
umumnya : generally; usually
umur : age
umurnya : umur + nya ; his age
untuk : to; for; of
untukku : untuk + aku ; for me
untuknya : untuk + nya ; for her; for him
untung : profit; gladstone; lucky; fortunately
urusan : affair; business
usah : need
usaha : business; effort
usia : age
usiaku : usia + aku ; my age
utara : north
wah : wow
wajah : face
wajahnya : wajah + nya ; his face
waktu : time; when
waktu itu : that time; then
waktu siang hari : noon
waktuku : my time
walau : although
walaupun : although
warna : color
warnanya : the color
wesel : draft; switch
wilayah : region; area
ya : yes
yaitu : namely; i.e.
yakin : sure; believe; convinced; confident
yang : which; that
yang ini : this one
yang lain : the other; another
yang mana : which

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